Survivor Sandy Storm

Survivor Sandy Storm



Telling the TRUTH about human trafficking and giving you tips & tools to protect the kids you love from becoming victims. Redeemed from VICTIM to SURVIVOR, Sandy has built a THRIVING life after escaping 20 horrific years of abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. Sandy tells the truth about trafficking as an inspirational, high-energy motivational speaker, and through her books, "The Navi Series," a

Operating as usual


Praying 2024 ends sweetly for everyone and looking forward to a 2025 filled with HOPE! Thanking God for all His amazing blessings and friendships He has filled my life with, and thanking Him for each of you and for your connection, support, and kindness! 💙

Do you have a “word” for the year?
My word for 2025 is VICTORY
The Lord put this psalm on my heart to meditate on as we transition into the new year, and to meditate on throughout the year when I need to hear from Him.

May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble;
May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
May He send you help from the sanctuary,
And strengthen you out of Zion;
May He remember all your offerings,
And accept your burnt sacrifice.

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
And fulfill all your purpose.
We will rejoice in your salvation,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners!
May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.

Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
They have bowed down and fallen;
But we have risen and stand upright.

Save, Lord!
May the King answer us when we call.



This was a powerful evening. Thankful for the Lord providing friends who pray and for the work He is doing to transform lives through this powerful ministry. Listen to my interview with the founder on The Dry Bones Army podcast 💙

This picture.

Stepping back from the usual ambiguous "we"/impersonal posting, this social media person would like to take a minute to share personally. Hi, this is Melanie, Blazing Hope Ranch's social media volunteer, friend of the Haggards, and firm believer in Blazing Hope's mission to restore wholeness to survivors of human trafficking and help weaken the s*x trade through the power of Christ.

This year was the second Hootenanny I've been to in person, but fourth or fifth I've helped with from afar. I got to move through the evening, taking casual photos (not beauties like this one-- anything gorgeous is almost definitely thanks to Ginger Sumerlin Photography), videoing, and documenting the evening behind the scenes. At one point you may have seen me frantically entering auction bids and paddle numbers behind our experienced MC, David Peterson.

Much of what guests of the evening saw was just the tip of the iceberg. The months of prayer, months of planning and hard work and details, and the hours, and hours, and HOURS of time that volunteers put in to making this event happen are less obvious but absolutely critical.

But this picture? This picture captures a little bit of that. I was privileged to be in the back room when these three women (L to R: Director of Programs and Operations Jo Haggard, Sandy Storm, and Executive Director Debbie Indermuehle) came in, sat down, and spent the next ten minutes talking and praying together before they went out to share and allow their words and experiences to be used by God to inspire, to encourage, to equip, and to somehow make a difference in the fight against human trafficking and in support of survivors.

Maybe they will never fully see the fruit of their courage in sharing in front of a large group of people. Maybe they will never know the extent of the difference they made in someone's life. Maybe a seed was planted that won't reach maturity for many years to come.

But these women: they stepped forward in faith, working behind the scenes and in front of them, following their heart for Christ and for making a difference for women who have been trafficked and women who will be trafficked, and because of that foundation, throughout it all, they prayed.

It was a beautiful thing to watch unfold and this photo, while it only captures one moment, shows a small bit of the faith, the humility, and the firm belief in God's hand in this ministry that undergirds everything Blazing Hope Ranch is about.

May we never get so caught up in action that we forget the One who heals and restores, or that faith and prayer are the threads that inspire and weave every action together.


The Power Project is making a GLOBAL impact! Listen to the latest episode of The Dry Bones Army Podcast on your favorite app, or watch the video interview on YouTube!

In The Dry Bones Army October 2024 episode, Sandy is excited to share the story of how this seemingly ordinary girl-next-door Brandi Voth has allowed God to use her in powerful ways to see transformation and hope spread around the world. Brandi shares some of the supernatural ways God has taken her around the world to shine light in the darkness and how The Power Project is changing lives!

She has been on rooftops overlooking the red-light districts of Thailand, prayed on the porch of a brothel in Uganda, and witnessed firsthand the transformative power of partnership to change the circumstances of young women in Africa who need access to sanitary products so they can stay in school and break free from the poverty that could pave the way for them to become trapped in a life of exploitation. Brandi has put feet to her prayers and has been on the ground, getting her hands dirty and bowing her knees in humble prayer to the God who CAN and DOES work miracles!



Welcome to Blazing Hope Ranch's 9th Annual Hootenanny for Hope! 09/27/2024



Blazing Hope Ranch is making a huge impact in the fight to end human trafficking! They are not only providing a safe, healthy, stable place for survivors to find hope and healing, but they are also actively empowering children and youth to stay safe from the traps of traffickers with their innovative and creative Camp Run Free.

It's my honor and joy to partner with the team at Blazing Hope Ranch for their Hootenanny of Hope fundraiser. The event is SOLD OUT, but you can join us for the livestream later today. Click this link to watch join the party!

Welcome to Blazing Hope Ranch's 9th Annual Hootenanny for Hope! Welcome to the Blazing Hope Ranch 9th Annual Hootenanny for Hope!We’re excited to have you join us for an unforgettable evening, either in person or virtually via our live stream. Please register at the links below to secure your spot for this impactful event.This year, we’re honored to feature ...

Photos from Survivor Sandy Storm's post 09/10/2024

In our September 2024 episode of The Dry Bones Army Podcast, Blazing Hope Ranch Founder, Jo Haggard, gives insight into the services this ministry offers to survivors of trafficking, and the ways this organization uses horses to heal the women they serve at the Ranch. 🐴

Jo pulls from her training and education as a therapist and counselor to serve as a type of on-site missionary. Her deep love for the Lord and faith is evident as she opens up and shares. 💙

A beautiful survivor sister told me, "They saved my life. Well, JESUS saved my life, but He used them to do it!" This story is going to light a fire in your heart to be part of the solution to ending human trafficking! 🔥

Listen to The Dry Bones Army Podcast on your favorite app, or watch our interview on Author Sandy Storm's youtube channel. And join us for the Hootenanny for Hope via live stream on September 27. Details available in the show notes 🤠

Photos from Humans for Humans's post 08/21/2024

Looking forward to joining the incredible team at Humans for Humans and their international audience for their upcoming Mental Health & Human Trafficking Conference Digital Event this November.

I will be offering attendees a very personal and transparent presentation, helping mental health professionals and anti-human trafficking advocates understand the ways a new trauma can trigger a trafficking survivor's dormant trauma response, even years after breaking free and building a healthy, stable life. My family and I have experienced this first-hand after (literally) being hit by a truck earlier this year.

Hope to see you at the virtual conference - You can still grab early bird tickets at the link below!

Photos from Survivor Sandy Storm's post 08/14/2024

Do you want to know the TRUTH about human trafficking?
I want to help you learn what trafficking really looks like, how people become victims, and why they remain trapped.
Get tips from survivors and frontline workers to help you protect the kids you love.
Find out how you can use your personal gifts to be part of the solution to ENDING human trafficking!

Connect today at💙

I Was Hit By A Truck and Survived! How A Head-on Collision Ignighted Domant Trauma From Trafficking 08/13/2024

You've probably been wondering where I've been and why you haven't heard from me in 4 months...
We were hit by a truck on April 13!

Check out the latest episode of The Dry Bones Army Podcast, where I share the details of this harrowing experience of surviving a head-on collision with a truck traveling recklessly at a high rate of speed.

This video uncovers my experience of how the hidden link between the ways a new trauma - like getting hit by a truck - can stimulate dormant trauma from decades earlier when I was a victim of human trafficking from age 6-26. Learn how a survivor can overcome the compounded stresses of mental and physical injuries from a major automobile wreck, all while pursuing a healthy, stable life after enduring the trauma of being trafficked for 20 years.

Watch The Dry Bones Army Podcast on YouTube here or listen to the audio version on your favorite app 🎧

I Was Hit By A Truck and Survived! How A Head-on Collision Ignighted Domant Trauma From Trafficking In this special episode of The Dry Bones Army Podcast, Human Trafficking Survivor Sandy Storm shares the details of her harrowing experience surviving a head...


💙20 Years of FREEDOM!!!💙

20 years ago today, I broke free from 20 years of human trafficking, exploitation, so many addictions, pain, poverty, anger, and sin.
I didn't only discover the way to get free, but I've stayed free for two decades!

My journey to freedom didn't just give me the answer to a life free from my sin, but also gave me freedom from all of the sins that had been committed against me, and every single one was answered with His love.

20 years ago today, on the carpet of the little office in the tiny church on the top of the hill, just outside of town, I gave my life to Jesus, and He gave me a brand-new life in return. I came into His Kingdom that day, and He has walked with me as we have continued to explore all the riches available to me, just because I chose to believe He is who He says He is.

It would be nice to be able to tell you I knelt down on the padded carpet and said a pleasant little "sinner's prayer," and then walked away a new woman, but that isn't at all how it happened.

There was actually a lot of sobbing, weeping, snot, tears, and writhing on the floor as I was delivered from a demon who had literally been torturing me for my entire life. As soon as it was gone, I saw JESUS, and I knew He had been the One always with me in the darkness, every time the men had their way with me as a little child, all the times I had been r**ed, sold, shot at, knocked unconscious, beaten within inches of my life, overdosed in dirty motels or alleyways, He was ALWAYS there, and He always led me to safety.

Just 48 hours before I found myself on the carpet of this church, a scary pimp had taken me to brothels and crack houses all over the city, forcing me to do things I would never have chosen to do, but as the sun came up, Jesus came and showed me the pathway to freedom.

That path led me up this hill to this little church, and this pastor and his trusted sidekick (an absolute saint of a Prayer Mama) led me to Jesus.

When Jesus told me, "I require your life," I gladly gave Him my broken, worthless, empty life. In return, He immediately gave me this brand-new life I live today! In an instant, I went from being broken to being made new. From being empty to being filled up! From being hopeless to overflowing with HOPE!

If you're one of my brothers and sisters in the Kingdom, thank you for the fellowship, encouragement, and Christian love you have shown me throughout the years. If you haven't yet given your life to Jesus, I pray that this story is what you need to hear to make the decision to believe, repent, and receive Jesus as the King of your life. He will not disappoint, and He will never, ever leave you!

Here's to the last 20 years and the rest of all eternity!!!🥳

Saint Patrick | Biography, Facts, Feast Day, Miracles, & Death 03/17/2024

This encyclopedia Britannica entry tells about a child slave, a dreamer, held captive for years, who discovered a deep love for the Lord and a fervor for His service.

No drunk leprechauns, rainbows or pots of gold.

Instead we learn Patrick was a human trafficking survivor who found freedom and healing for his heart and a burning desire to help others find the same. 💚

Saint Patrick | Biography, Facts, Feast Day, Miracles, & Death Saint Patrick is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and was probably responsible in part for the Christianization of the Picts and Anglo-Saxons.


Jennisue Jessen had an incredible encounter with an intercessor who, decades ago, was stirred to pray for a child who was being severely abused, and you won't believe how God used this woman's prayers over many years!

Join us on The Dry Bones Army Podcast for episode 3 and hear Jennisue share an easy and practical strategy to pray and intercede for an end to human trafficking.

Photos from Survivor Sandy Storm's post 03/13/2024

Becoming Navi tells the true story of a child born into a world of heartache, abandonment and abuse.

High society power players act as amateur videographers, grooming the young girl to be used for trade and currency in hidden trafficking rings.

The dark networks operate in back rooms of country clubs and at private upper-class parties, seeking to turn a person into a product that produces a profit.

In spite of her harrowing circumstances, a faithful Father always appears at the most unexpected times, persuading Navi to prevail, and ultimately, to break free.


The Navi Series tells my true story of surviving child s*x trafficking on my journey to finding a life of freedom and fulfilment. 

Be encouraged and inspired as you walk with me, “Navi,” through the darkest valleys to find the light of hope!

If you want to read the first volume in the series, get the ebook for free when you sign up to stay in touch at 📚


Why would a parent put their own child on the marketplace?

What level of poverty or desperation could persuade a mother or father to allow their vulnerable child to be commodified in order to obtain resources?

How could a parent use their own kid as a transaction, no matter how displaced, homeless, addicted, or otherwise unstable they are?

Siddharth Kara visited the darkest corners of the earth to seek answers to these questions, and what he discovered and exposed is far more sinister than the heart can bear.

There are networks of power players on every level of society who seek to leverage the desperation of a parent as a way to get access to abuse a child.

Money and status are used to put people into situations that they don’t see another way out of, and the parent receives a false sense of security or provision, the exploiter receives a fleeting moment of pleasure, and the child lives with compounded trauma - sometimes living in a continuous cycle of trauma, addiction, and desperation as a result of the experience.

If you want to begin to understand the global economic impact of trafficking, read “Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery” by Kara. He is one of the few researchers who has brought solid data out of the field and has documented thousands of cases of slavery, with much of his work driven solely by his passion to uncover the truth, and largely self-funded.

Have you read this or any other books by Kara? If so what did you learn from his research? How has it driven you to pursue justice? Which of his books will you read next?

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About the Author

Author Sandy Storm is a child s*x trafficking survivor who has experienced a powerful transformation and lives what can only be described as a brand new life. She is an author and gifted public speaker, communicating her experiences while trapped as a child s*x slave and involved in the commercial s*x industry as a young adult as well as the effects of p**n on our culture and the need for care for child s*x trafficking survivors.

Generously gifted with a creative spirit, Sandy is an inspiration to many. She shares her story of great love, hope, forgiveness and redemption as she speaks and teaches through many avenues within the church and the marketplace. Her presentations have been called educational, inspiring and powerful and attendees say they leave feeling empowered to bring positive change to their circles of influence. Contact her today to discuss a presentation that will engage your audience and empower them to action!

Sandy’s life has been redeemed from victim to survivor, and now she is truly thriving.
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About her first book:

HELLO NAVI – a novella about human trafficking
Written by a Survivor, Based on Actual Events

Hello Navi is a novella about human trafficking told both in the physical and spirit realms. The story follows Navi, a young lady who faces demons of childhood s*xual abuse that are driving her to drug use and leading her into a situation that places her under the control of an abusive pimp. All the while, a mysterious man who is pursuing her takes the girl from the harsh reality of s*x trafficking to a wonderful place of love and acceptance in a spiritual world where Navi learns her royal identity, experiences true love and ultimately, finds freedom.

Hello Navi is a message of hope for anyone who has experienced abuse, addiction, r**e, or thinks God was distant when they were in a dark place.

Videos (show all)

Protecting Vulnerable Children By Unveiling the Scourge of Human TraffickingYou need to know #thetruthabouthumantraffick...
Surviving Human Trafficking - Hear My Story of Resilience and Hope I was #trafficked for 20 years, but I have been free ...
@danielle_freitag has a heart bursting with love for the Lord, and that love has driven her to serve Him in a unique and...
Meet @danielle_freitag with @action169 on our latest episode of The Dry Bones Army Podcast! 💙Danielle is an inspiration,...
💙 Are you wearing BLUE today?💙I wear blue every day💙My awareness of Human Trafficking is a daily revelation - because I ...
Who is really to blame for the explosive growth of human trafficking in our modern era?⁠⁠The traffickers are certainly t...
What’s the superpower you dream of having? 💥Who do you know that lives like a superhero every day? 🦸‍♀️My wish is to sha...
Do you want to know what child trafficking looks like in the United States?I was trafficked at 15, 16, 17 years old by m...
Traffickers hunt for broken people. It’s easy to trick them into doing things that help the traffickers make money. I wa...
How long do you think a trafficker should be locked up for?
Traffickers use evil tactics use to manipulate their vulnerable victims.🐍⁠They try to isolate victims so they feel like ...
Listen to this clip to get a peak into the world of a human trafficking victim.⁠Trafficking is happening everywhere and ...






Colorado Springs, CO