💙20 Years of FREEDOM!!!💙
20 years ago today, I broke free from 20 years of human trafficking, exploitation, so many addictions, pain, poverty, anger, and sin.
I didn't only discover the way to get free, but I've stayed free for two decades!
My journey to freedom didn't just give me the answer to a life free from my sin, but also gave me freedom from all of the sins that had been committed against me, and every single one was answered with His love.
20 years ago today, on the carpet of the little office in the tiny church on the top of the hill, just outside of town, I gave my life to Jesus, and He gave me a brand-new life in return. I came into His Kingdom that day, and He has walked with me as we have continued to explore all the riches available to me, just because I chose to believe He is who He says He is.
It would be nice to be able to tell you I knelt down on the padded carpet and said a pleasant little "sinner's prayer," and then walked away a new woman, but that isn't at all how it happened.
There was actually a lot of sobbing, weeping, snot, tears, and writhing on the floor as I was delivered from a demon who had literally been torturing me for my entire life. As soon as it was gone, I saw JESUS, and I knew He had been the One always with me in the darkness, every time the men had their way with me as a little child, all the times I had been r**ed, sold, shot at, knocked unconscious, beaten within inches of my life, overdosed in dirty motels or alleyways, He was ALWAYS there, and He always led me to safety.
Just 48 hours before I found myself on the carpet of this church, a scary pimp had taken me to brothels and crack houses all over the city, forcing me to do things I would never have chosen to do, but as the sun came up, Jesus came and showed me the pathway to freedom.
That path led me up this hill to this little church, and this pastor and his trusted sidekick (an absolute saint of a Prayer Mama) led me to Jesus.
When Jesus told me, "I require your life," I gladly gave Him my broken, worthless, empty life. In return, He immediately gave me this brand-new life I live today! In an instant, I went from being broken to being made new. From being empty to being filled up! From being hopeless to overflowing with HOPE!
If you're one of my brothers and sisters in the Kingdom, thank you for the fellowship, encouragement, and Christian love you have shown me throughout the years. If you haven't yet given your life to Jesus, I pray that this story is what you need to hear to make the decision to believe, repent, and receive Jesus as the King of your life. He will not disappoint, and He will never, ever leave you!
Here's to the last 20 years and the rest of all eternity!!!🥳