31st Annual Hummingbird Festival is this Saturday, May 11, 10-2 at Starsmore!
There will be a lot happening including Hummingbird and Raptor Talks. There will be an ASL Interpreter at the 10:15 Hummingbird Talk and the 11:30 Raptor Talk.
Come out and join us at Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center in North Cheyenne Canon Park at 2120 S. Cheyenne Canon Road in Colorado Springs!
Mt. Cutler Trail
Silver Cascade Trail down tree across
7 Bridges Trail
Thank you to Park Volunteer John Klemczyk for the pictures.
It has been a crazy week in North Cheyenne Cañon Park! Two feet of snow for the first time in a very, very long time! It is gorgeous out their but the snow/ice/mud makes for a slippery trail experience. Be prepared (Leave No Trace Principle #1!) and wear traction, like micro spikes or yak trax, and bring your hiking poles to safely enjoy the trails.
Starsmore has been closed off and on due to unforeseen events this last week. We are back on track and will be open our regular winter hour Tuesdays thru Sundays 9-3.
We look forward to seeing you all in the Park.
Practice Leave No Trace Principle 1: Be Prepared!!!
Wear good traction and bring hiking poles. The trails will be icy until spring.
Trail rescue at North Cheyenne Canon a reminder that snowy, icy conditions remain at Colorado Springs parks
Colorado Springs firefighters have a warning for anyone venturing into the various city parks and open spaces.
A gorgeous Cedar Waxwing photo by NCCP Volunteer Allisa Linfield!
Thank you to all who came to our 6th Annual Winter Bird Festival last weekend! It was a beautiful, fun day! And thank you to the cedar waxwings for showing up!
Trail Report Update 2/17/24: Be Prepared for Icy Conditions until Spring!
Please join us for the 6th annual Winter Bird Festival! A $5 donation per family is encouraged to support education programming in the park.
Only 8 more days until the Teens Volunteer Open House at the Starsmore Nature Center! Teens will have the opportunity to build leadership skills, earn volunteer hours, and make a impact.
Sign Up and RSVP Today!
Are you ready to hit the trails this weekend? Here is an update on the conditions from Scott, our Regional Parks, Trails & Open Space Manager - "Please do not hike, bike or ride horses on muddy trails. This weekend we will see warming temperatures and melting snow on all trails in the region. Give our urban trail network a spin instead. Be mindful of shaded locations that can hold packed snow and ice. Be safe out there!"
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will open at 11am on Thursday, March 2nd due to staff meetings. Thank you!
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed today due to the weather. ❄️☃️❄️
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed today due to the snow. Thank you and stay safe!
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will only be open from 12pm - 3pm this Saturday, January 14th due to a meeting. Thank you!
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed 12/22/22 due to inclement weather. If you plan to visit the park, be prepared for hazardous winter conditions. ❄️❄️❄️
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed Friday, December 23rd through Monday, December 26th. The Nature Center will open on Tuesday, December 27th at 9am and will then maintain its normal schedule!
Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed on Thursday 11/24 and Friday 11/25. North Cheyenne Cañon Park will still be accessible from 5am - 9pm daily. Want to hike off the turkey? It's not too late to take part in Canya Cañon - a trail challenge hosted by Friends of Cheyenne Canon: https://www.cheyennecanon.org/calendar
Download park maps here:https://coloradosprings.gov/sites/default/files/2022_ncc_park_map_-_double_sided.pdf &https://coloradosprings.gov/sites/default/files/final_daniels_trailmap-v4lr.pdf
On Thursday, November 10th, Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed for staff training. We will reopen for our normal hours, 9am - 3pm, on Friday, November 11th. Yes, we will be open for Veteran's Day!
UPDATE 10/23/22 10:30am
North Cheyenne Cañon Park has reopened
🚨North Cheyenne Cañon Park, including Helen Hunt Falls, is closed while Colorado Springs Fire Department investigates a wildland fire on Mount Muscoco. Please avoid the area and do not try to access the park. There is a Red Flag warning in effect from the National Weather Service from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. today so be extra careful with outdoor activities in all our parks and open spaces.
This is also a good time to visit https://coloradosprings.gov/ready where you can sign up for emergency alerts and learn your evacuation zone.
Access to North Cheyenne Canyon/Helen Hunt Falls remains closed but the Seven Falls area is now open.
The Halloween Carnival this evening has been canceled due to the closure.
Unfortunately due to the Four Corners Fire, North Cheyenne Cañon Park is currently closed. Park Staff have made the decision to cancel the Halloween Carnival this evening at Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center in response to the closure. We are incredibly disappointed that we will not be able to celebrate with you this evening, and hope that you are able to visit the park in the near future.
To check park status visit: https://coloradosprings.gov/alert/north-cheyenne-canon-park-helen-hunt-falls-closed-due-fire
North Cheyenne Cañon Park, Helen Hunt Falls CLOSED due to fire
Saturday, October 22, 2022 - 8 a.m.North Cheyenne Cañon Park, including Helen Hunt Falls, is closed while investigates a wildland fire on Mount Muscoco. Please avoid the area and do not try to access the park. There is a Red Flag warning in effect from the National Weather Service from 11 ...
🚨North Cheyenne Cañon Park, including Helen Hunt Falls, is closed while investigates a wildland fire on Mount Muscoco. Please avoid the area and do not try to access the park. There is a Red Flag warning in effect from the National Weather Service from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. today so be extra careful with outdoor activities in all our parks and open spaces.
This is also a good time to visit https://coloradosprings.gov/ready where you can sign up for emergency alerts and learn your evacuation zone.
The Halloween Carnival that is scheduled for this evening is pending.
UPDATE 10/23/22 10:30am
North Cheyenne Cañon Park has reopened
🚨North Cheyenne Cañon Park, including Helen Hunt Falls, is closed while Colorado Springs Fire Department investigates a wildland fire on Mount Muscoco. Please avoid the area and do not try to access the park. There is a Red Flag warning in effect from the National Weather Service from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. today so be extra careful with outdoor activities in all our parks and open spaces.
This is also a good time to visit https://coloradosprings.gov/ready where you can sign up for emergency alerts and learn your evacuation zone.
NCC Bridges.mp4
This is "NCC Bridges.mp4" by City of Colorado Springs on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
The Pikes Peak APEX mountain bike challenge and 50K run will impact North Cheyenne Cañon Park, Pike National Forest, and El Paso County Trails on Sunday, September 25, 2022, for the Stage 4 Course - Cheyenne Canyon.
Racers will utilize Bear Creek Regional Park, High Drive Trail, Gold Camp Road, Sweetwater Canyon Trail, Daniels Pass Trail, Bruin Trail, Cheyenne Cañon Road (crossing), Mt Buckhorn Trail, and Captain Jacks Trail. Uphill traffic on Captain Jacks Trail is not allowed between 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Trail alternatives on Sunday: We recommend exploring Stratton Open Space, the Chamberlain Trail, or the eastern half of North Cheyenne Cañon Park!
The above information details impacts to City maintained properties. Additional impacts to other parks and trails may also be in place. For more information about the full courses visit https://www.pikespeakapex.com/2022-course-information
The Pikes Peak APEX mountain bike challenge will take place Sept 22-25 at locations in Colorado Springs, El Paso County and Fremont County. Several streets, parks, and trails will be affected by the event. See below for details about city roads, parks, and trails.
Thursday. September 22, 2022
Paseo Road and parking within the park will be closed from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. The park will remain open to the public. The event starts at 1 p.m. The event will extensively utilize the park’s road and trail system, including the off-leash dog area in Yucca Flats. The city highly encourages dog owners to leash their dogs if they do utilize the park. The dog park near Maizeland will remain open all day but will only be accessible by walking into the park.
TRAIL ALTERNATIVES: Ute Valley Park, Pulpit Rock, High Chaparral Open Space, and Sondermann Park
Sunday, September 25, 2022
The race begins at 8 a.m. in America the Beautiful Park and will head southwest along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail and Bear Creek Trail.
As racers approach 21st Street along the Bear Creek Trail, there will be rolling closures on 21st Street from 8-8:30 a.m. to allow riders to cross the road.
Bear Creek Road (crossing)
Gold Camp Road
High Drive
Daniel's Pass Trails in Sweetwater Canyon
Cheyenne Canyon Road (crossing)
Mt Buckhorn
Captain Jacks Trail. Uphill traffic on Captain Jacks Trail is not allowed between 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
TRAIL ALTERNATIVES: Stratton Open Space, Chamberlain Trail, and Red Rock Canyon
The above information details impacts to City maintained properties. Additional impacts to other parks and trails may also be in place. For more information about the full courses visit https://www.pikespeakapex.com/2022-course-information
The summer season is coming to an end! Both Visitor Centers will be open on Labor Day from 8am - 4pm, and it will be Helen Hunt Falls Visitor Center's last day open 😢. Starsmore Visitor and Nature Center will be closed Tuesday 9/6, and changing to a Tuesday - Saturday schedule, from 9am - 3pm, beginning 9/7.
It's not too late to add your dot to the ~*very official*~ visitor census at Helen Hunt Falls Visitor Center! Helen Hunt Falls Visitor Center will be open 8am - 4pm through Labor Day (September 5th), we will then close our doors until next summer! Has someone from your hometown visited North Cheyenne Cañon this summer?
to this beautiful shot of Helen Hunt Falls submitted for our 2022 Discover Colorado Springs calendar photo contest! Check back for more information about our 2023 Calendar Contest opening later this year.
📷 Photo Credit: James Van Hoy