Sojourner Fishing LLC

Sojourner Fishing LLC


Guided big catfish trips- Granbury, Proctor,Benbrook, Brownwood, Squaw Creek. Day and night trips!

Operating as usual


Jason Burns Sr. Out there breaking records with one of those lucky hats 😆 way to go!!


Thank you Michael Spivey for the awesome gear.
If you haven't tried out his cast nets yet, you better hurry.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 01/16/2025

Made a quick drift on Granbury tonight and caught a few eaters topping out at 11lbs, lost a couple. Cleaned 3 that were abnormally plump to see what they had been eating and all three were full of small blue cat.
Fish hit on cut shad and drum in 32'.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 01/14/2025

Here's a little whiny baby 😢 😭 👶 👩‍🍼 product update and review on Ionic lithium batteries after a year and a half of use.
I bought 2 12v 50ah lithiums for my trolling motor only in June 2023 and a Noco Genius charger.
Batteries charged extremely fast and ran strong for a couple months. Then one decided it didn't want to charge anymore. After a quick call to Lithium Hub, they determined it was a warrantable issue and sent a shipping label. Got battery sent off. In the meantime I had to go buy 2 lead acid batteries to keep running the boat until my replacement arrived. Got the new one, sold the lead acids, wasn't out any money on this issue, just time and the inconvenience of it all.
Few more months pass and both batteries are not responding to the app or charging. I open the battery compartment and the terminals are melted off of one and the other is swollen enough that the top case is cracked.
All my connections were crimped, soldered, heat shrinked, and had protective spray over the whole thing. Also, I trip the circuit breaker while charging. There was no load on the batteries at the time of failure and the damage was not preexisting or I would have noticed it when I tripped the breaker. Another call to Lithium Hub, another return label sent. This time, I go to the same Fed Ex store I used before but now they can not accept Lithium batteries in the store so had to call and setup porch pickup at home. No big deal, just more time and hassle. Another trip to Wal-Mart for another pair of marine batteries to get by. Get home wire it all back up and notice the charger isn't charging. Great. I call Lithium Hub before I called Noco and they said it was probably the batteries fault and not the chargers fault but that's not their responsibility. Cool. I guess. So, I call Noco, tell them everything and they said no problem and sent a new one out even though it most likely wasn't on their product. Still needed a charger while I was waiting, so bought another Noco, figured I'd have a spare for the next time.
Finally recieved the second round of replacements, got them going, and everything was great..for about 4-5 months. Now I have another one not charging unless you jump it from a different battery, but soon disconnects and goes into protection. The app shows a bad cell and both high and low voltage faults. It also shows a 3rd of the charge cycles as the one next to it. They have only been used together and charged together so don't understand that one.
Another call to Lithium Hub. They are friendly enough and easy to deal with but wish I didn't have to every few months. They say the battery has a bad board and they will send a shipping label. I asked if there were any purchasable upgrades we could work a deal on or a refund since the issues and money spent under the guise of quality have not been worth it, but they said nope. Nothing they could or would do but keep replacing batteries every 3-5 months for the next 11 years I guess. Well that sucks but what sucks worse is they are not even covering the shipping on the warranty anymore. You get to pay $38 each time one fails. First world problems I know..
On top of that, I got to go buy 2 more lead batteries since guess what..I sold the others..again 😆
I've talked with at least 8 other people locally with the same experience, most will not even consider running lithiums again and have switched back lead. I know not everyone has had horrible luck and that is awesome. If you have a brand you have been putting through the paces and it's holding up, let me know. I'll probably keep using Lithium in my red boat only to save weight but really doubt I ever buy any for anything larger.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 01/01/2025

Tried the other end of the lake today and got into some decent eaters blues. Kept a cooler full and threw a few more back. Everything on cut bait(drum, shad, and carp) in 15-22' drifting .3 - .5 mph

Open dates available on Granbury, Benbrook, Squaw Creek, Proctor, and Brownwood.

Tri Lakes Tackle Town
Fat Rooster Planer Boards
Draggin Master

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 12/30/2024

We have a winner! Kirkland with a guess of 38lbs! Thanks for playing everyone.

Grinded out a long hard day. Got a few eaters and 1 good one deep at the end of the day. Nothing shallower than 22' today, everything hit on cut drum.
Guess the weight on the big one on this post for a free pink and black Sojourner Fishing LLC hat.
Openings on Granbury(day and night trips!), Benbrook, Squaw Creek, Proctor, and Brownwood.


Tomorrow morning and Sunday morning 12/21&22 on Granbury has opened up unexpectedly. 1-2 people going after big cats, or Squaw Creek for eaters.
PM if interested. Should be good!


Stephen Sojourner Jesús Valenzuela
I feel like that was the last time I was on Proctor 😆
Maybe 2x since. Need to go again.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 12/16/2024

Stephen Sojourner put these young fellas on some cats at Squaw Sunday!

He has open dates yall!


Weeknight big cat trips available on Granbury. Will cut a deal on single person trip. Message for more info and booking.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 12/14/2024

Had a little trouble finding fish, but caught all the ones we found. Lost one 20 something in the trees, kept enough for lunch and 2 gallons of filets. Caught some in 6", some 3', 5', 10'... 2 or 3 on each spot then nothing so lots of moving today.



Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 12/08/2024

Showed up in the dark and rain on this morning with Agustin Hinojosa, took off from the ramp and was greeted by an extremely bright flash of lightening. Checked the weather and kept on truckin all the way across the lake. Got set up and maaaybe 5 minutes later we heard screaming drag. After a decent fight, we got a big blue in the boat and on the scales. This one went 50lbs even.
Apparently it scared off all the fish we had been marking. We tried 5 or 6 more setups and could only manage 1 more fish not even worth mentioning and called it day.
We had water temps ranging from 47-55 degrees in a pretty small area. May have had something to do with it,but either way, we were happy to have the big one on deck.

Days and nights available. PM if interested. Mainly targeting big fish this time of year. If you are looking for fast action, we run on Squaw Creek also.

Photos from Sojourner Fishing LLC's post 12/05/2024

Got an early start last night on Granbury. Was able to find some excellent bait mid lake before making a run to an area that I have been watching for a couple weeks but had not fished. Started scanning around 6:50, found fish almost immediately and had rods in the water by 7:00. 10 minutes later my front left rod bent over pretty good, but whatever it was came off as soon as I got it coming my way. Rebaited and cast it back out in time to realize 2 rods on the other side of the boat were pulling drag side by side. Just slowly swimming off taking line. Same result. Didn’t really act like a gar hit, pretty sure they were flathead, but I guess we will never know. A couple minutes later 2 more rods got hit the same way, so since assuming they were flathead, I let them eat on it a little longer before reeling down. Got these 2 landed and they were indeed flathead 9 and 12lbs, then a 3rd rod out the back of the boat got nailed. Was able to get this to the edge of the boat and had my hand in its mouth before it shook the hook and my grip-another flathead but around 15lbs.

The action died down for about 15 minutes then started getting a few more hits but way different. Ended up catching 5 or 6 good striper as they came through between 6-10lbs all on cut bait in less than 3’ of water. This was great but the reason I stopped on this spot was because of the huge blue cat looking marks I had scanned several days in a row in this area. 9PM rolls around and I get a weather alert on my phone for thick fog. Didn’t read the whole thing and apparently I wasn’t paying attention to the fact I couldn’t see the docks north of me anymore. Since I wasn’t in the best area to be running completely blind in, I decided to go ahead and reel up. Maybe 2 seconds after that decision was made, my right front rod tip almost hit the water and had line peeling off the reel. Obviously a much better fish. Its first run took it between two large piles of debris and into an opening on the back side where it came to the surface thrashing violently. I figured either I horse it back through or I was going to lose the fish. So I laid into it pretty hard, having to use my thumb for a little extra drag, was able to get it back through the opening and at least on the boat side of things. Not wanting a repeat of the flathead I lost early, I had the net ready as I could, which isn’t very easy trying to handle a decent fish one handed and a huge net in the other by yourself, but got it done. Thought it was going to break 40 by the fight it gave but was a good but under at 32lbs. Took a few really fast pics and let it go so I could get everything put up to try and out run the wall of fog back to the ramp. I wasn’t fast enough. Half of the way back visibility was maybe 30’ until I got ahead of it. Really cool to see the fog rolling in like that on the water. I feel like the bite was just starting to get good around 9:30 when I left. Tons more fish coming through and bait getting chased.

I may have a couple weeknights available in the following weeks at a discounted rate for up to 2 people if you would like to take a shot at getting on some good fish without having to drive an hour or more away, weekend day or night trips available as well as Squaw Creek channel cat trips. We have reservations for every day they are open, give us a call or PM if interested.

We are currently fishing Benbrook, Granbury, Squaw Creek, Proctor, and Squaw Creek.

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Videos (show all)

Stephen Sojourner on another good un.
Stephen Sojourner wrangling them big boys..and girls
Michael Spivey these nets are excellent. Best spreading taped net I have ever used.
Nothing but flatheads at the end of the fogbow.
#sojournerfishing Agustin Hinojosa
For me, this is perfect weather!





Granbury, TX