Eating meals, prepping food, and your overall nutrition is never going to be “perfect” or “clean” every time.
I used to think that if I ate extremely healthy and clean with no processed foods in my life that I would be happy, mentally well, and super shredded.
In reality, when I cut those yummy food items out of my life completely and restricted I had more of a difficult time being consistent and at the end of the day I craved all the foods that I omitted from my diet.
I would lose control, overeat, and even binge on those foods that I said I wouldn’t touch.
It’s all about balance. For some folks, they work extremely well and are genuinely happy and content without eating donuts and pizza, but I know a good majority that want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while still being able to enjoy a treat without feeling guilty or needing to eat everything in front of them.
This post is just an example of some foods I’ve enjoyed throughout the month. Some are prepped meals that are healthier, and others are when I went to an all you can eat brunch for my mom’s birthday and some donuts that a client dropped off for me.
Happy 6 Years Of Training! 🥹❤️ I met Sabien when I was 24 and she was 78. I had just started my first personal training job, and she was one of my very first clients. Another veteran trainer who had been working at that particular gym switched Sabien over to me as she was transitioning out of the gym.
I appreciate Sabien trusting me to take care of her health and fitness. We’ve been through many changes from 2018, then at home training during Covid, and two additional gyms to now GSC.
I’ve loved seeing her strength progression as well as her balance improving significantly over the past six years. She has maintained pretty much all of her muscle since I’ve known her and her energy, joy and kindness is always consistent 🙂.
Cheers to 6 years and many more 🥂✨
Always a fun way to start the weekend. Lifts felt solid, body is feeling good 🤗
Sn**ch Complex @ 55 kg/121 lb
C&J Complex @ 75/165 lb
Happy 59th birthday to my momma. Wouldn’t be where I am without her 🎂🥳🎈❤️
5 Post Thanksgiving Reminder 🧡
1. You do not need to workout excessively today in order to burn off the calories you ate yesterday. This can be an unhealthy way of viewing food and for some individuals be a form of “punishment” for eating foods they feel like they shouldn’t have eaten.
2. You do not need to do a detox or cleanse to rid your body of what you ate yesterday. Your body will digest it and you will p**p it out later today.
3. You do not have to “eat clean” today just because you ate a big meal yesterday. Again, your body is going to regulate itself.
4. You do not need to go to extremes because you enjoyed yummy food with your family and friends. It was just one day. Allow yourself to have fun and eat without guilt.
5. Go back to the meals and foods you normally eat. Again, one day will not ruin all your progress. One day will not mess up the work you put into your health and fitness. Just like consuming one salad will not help you lose 10 pounds in one day.
If this post was helpful, and you would like more guidance on nutrition, I am currently running a Black Friday Sale! 50% off nutrition consultations!
A Nutrition Consultation Is For Anyone Who:
🔸Wants to know more about how to fuel their body appropriately for their fitness and health goals.
🔸Wants to build a better relationship with food, quit fad diets, and make long lasting, sustainable change.
🔸Wants to learn more about food choices, macronutrients, calories, and eating behavior.
Head to the link in my bio to sign up or for more info! 📲🙋🏻♀️
BLACK FRIDAY SALE! 🚨 Nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving your fitness goals—whether you’re looking to build strength, gain/lose weight, better your relationship with food, or simply wanting to make improvements to your nutrition habits to feel your best every day.
That’s why I am excited to offer 50% OFF NUTRITION CONSULTATIONS to 8 INDIVIDUALS!
I have a passion for helping others fuel their body, and I want to be able to create personalized strategies designed just for you. No cookie-cutter plans—only practical, sustainable advice tailored to your unique needs, lifestyle, and preferences.
Go to the link in my bio to take the first step toward building better nutritional habits, developing a healthier relationship with food, and fueling your body the right way!
If it’s not a strict, rigid, controlled diet or extreme workouts, I’m not going to see results.
That’s what I used to think. In reality going all in like this will obviously make you see results faster, but to what capacity can someone actually keep this up long term?
It’s great for getting ready for a wedding or an event, but if you’re looking for long term, sustainable change to your fitness, body, and nutrition you need to find something that you can maintain for a long time.
For me and a lot of my clients, we’ve found ways where we can prioritize our nutrition and health and still enjoy fun foods like a fried chicken sandwich 🙂.
For Black Friday, I will be launching a nutrition coaching sale for 8 individuals so keep your eyes open this coming week! 👀
Girl, you’re not going to get huge lifting weights. I promise ☺️✨
Today marks three years with my gym and boy, it’s been a great experience growing as a coach and trainer.
I’ve had a handful of transitions working in the fitness industry, first starting out as a tennis coach for university in 2016, shifting to only 1-1 private training in 2018, CrossFit, and now strength training, nutrition coaching, and weightlifting.
I’m excited for this new transition here and all the ways I will continue to grow as a fitness professional. Thank you for the opportunity and space to build and for for teaching more and more about the sport of weightlifting.
Starting this month, I am opening up 1-1 online training AND in person private/group training spots!
2, Online Training & Nutrition spots which include:
• Personalized Nutrition Program
• Custom Strength Program
• Video Check-Ins
• Video Analysis
3, In Person Private/Group Training:
• 1 hour session
• Personalize solo workouts to complete on your own time
• Nutrition program tailored to your goals and lifestyle
• Support and encouragement from community and friends!
If you are interested in 1-1 coaching, building strength this fall and winter, and improving your nutrition, go to my bio and fill out an application! 📲👩🏻💻
4 Weight Loss Myths That Need To Go To The Trash 🗑️
1 )Eating Late Causes Weight Gain- Eating at 5 PM is no different from eating at 9 PM. What matters is your total calories for the day.
2) Avoid Carbs to Lose Weight- Complex carbs and even simple carbs like fruits and some sweet treats can be awesome for satiety and long term weight loss.
3) Exercise Is Enough for Weight Loss- Diet plays a significant role in weight loss. Even if you did an extra 30 min of cardio, you could easily eat 500 calories more throughout the day without knowing.
4) You Can Spot Reduce Fat- You cannot target fat loss from specific body areas (like belly fat) through exercises. Your body will lose fat where it wants to.
Ultimately, it’s about calories in and calories out. Are you consistently eating less than you are burning? If you have any questions on how to get started, or would like more information on 1-1 training/coaching, check out my bio to hop on the waitlist for October!
I love food, ESPECIALLY BREAD and all forms of carbs 💕.
But I used to not be this way. Back when I didn’t fully understand nutrition, I used to have a lot of fear and avoidance towards food growing up. I thought that if I ate even one meal that was high in carbs that I would gain a bunch of weight or that it was unhealthy for me.
For me, it stemmed from false advertising, old myths that people around me still believed, and TV and magazines that portrayed eating carbs as bad.
Now a days, social media and the fitness industry is doing a lot better job showing and stating that carbs are not the enemy and that is completely healthy and necessary to have some carbs in your diet. And that having some sweet treats and bread now and again isn’t going to ruin your body or your goals.
This is a reminder to anyone who may have a slight hesitation or fear towards eating carbs: it’s okay to have some bread. Go have some bread 🙂.
I will say it over and over again for the folks who grew up with people who thought it was okay to continuously comment and judge someone’s body.
Growing up, I got comments on being too lean. I got criticism when they thought it looked like I was gaining weight and that I would look prettier if I lost a few pounds. I got comments that my legs were too big or that I was getting too muscular. It definitely did a number on my self-esteem and how I viewed my body.
You’ll never please everyone with how you look, but it’s not meant for them anyway.Your body is for you. I love moving my body, training clients in the gym and weightlifting. My body is going to change and look a certain way because of it.
Continue to celebrate your body for what it’s done for you and where it’s taken you. It’s so much more than the negative words from an unhappy individual.
How To Gauge Your Intensity While Weight Training And How To Use The RPE/RIR Method
The Strive For Strength 8 Week Full Body Strength Program is NOW IN APP form with ! 💪🏼
The program on TrainHeroic’s app is a beginner program, which means it is the perfect fit for anyone who:
▪️Has 0-6 months experience in the gym and would like a step-by-step structured program.
▪️Wants to get started on their strength goals with minimal thinking in the gym.
▪️ Wants to learn how to safely progress and gain strength
▪️ Has been out of the gym for a period of time and wants a program that can ease them into building their strength back.
Here’s What The App Offers:
3 Full Body Dumbbell/Bodyweight Workouts Each Week
▪️Day 1- Full Body (Lower Body + Upper Body Push)
▪️ Day 2- Full Body (Lower Body + Upper Body Pull)
▪️ Day 3- Full Body (Lower Body + Upper Body Push/Pull)
▪️ Specific warm up for each day of the program
✔️ PROGRESSIONS to adjust your training intensity
✔️ VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS and cues so you know how to perform each exercise
✔️ TRACK YOUR PROGRESS by updating your weights, reps to ensure you are challenging yourself in each workout
✔️ ADJUST YOUR CALENDAR to better prepare your week if schedule changes
If you choose to purchase the program, you will have lifetime access to the program and the app! Once you complete the program, you can repeat it, and use it as frequently has you like!
The program is available NOW, so click the link in my bio, create an athlete account, and become a stronger version of yourself! 📲
When I first started working out and lifting weights, I didn’t really know how to get strong. I knew a lot of the types of exercises and how to be generally healthy by consistently going to the gym, but at the end of a few months of doing so, I felt like I wasn’t making much progress in both my physique and my strength.
There were a handful of reasons why I wasn’t progressing like I wanted to, but the main reason was I didn’t progressively overload each week in my exercises, nor was I following a structured program to help walk me through that process.
First of all, what is progressive overload?
🔹Simply put, progressive overload is gradually increasing the intensity of an exercise over a period of time.
🔹When you start a weight training program, you want to make sure you are continuously progressing each week in order to build muscle and get stronger.
The mistake that I had made when I first started going to the gym was doing the same weight, same reps and sets for the three months. My consistency was great, but I lacked the intensity that my body needed in order to change.
Second, how do I progressively overload?
🔹There are three ways to change your progression: increase sets, reps, or your load (weight).
For example:
Say you are doing a goblet squat for 3 sets of 8 reps at 30 pounds the first week. In order to increase the intensity or progressively overload, you would want to increase the weight by 5-10 pounds depending on your strength and fitness level.
🔹At some point you may hit a limit to what you can physically lift. In this case, you can start increasing the number of reps and sets you complete for the exercise.
If you are in the same position that I was with your strength and not incorporating progressive overload in your workouts, I would definitely start there to achieve the results you are looking for!
Monday, April 22nd I will be releasing my Strive For Strength 8 Week Full Body Program in APP form with TrainHeroic! So keep your eyes peeled next week!
Don’t forget to rest and recover this weekend. Whether that be getting enough sleeping, prepping meals for the next week, doing your stretches/mobility exercises, or even just clearing your brain, make sure to prioritize one.
Your body needs time to recover. It is equally as important as the time you spend in the gym. I’ll be honest, there’s been a lot of things to juggle recently, and I’ve definitely neglected my sleep and fueling my body enough these past couple weeks. I’ll be taking some time to plan accordingly so I start off on a better note on Monday. Even coaches make mistakes and lose their routine sometimes 🙂.
What are you all doing to rest and recover this weekend?? ⬇️
It’s okay to eat carbohydrates.
Eliminating and restricting them from your diet because you think they are going to make you gain a whole bunch of weight and fat is an old myth that needs to die 💀. It’s not true.
Carbohydrates are a quick energy source for your body and your brain. You need them to avoid energy crashes and prevent constant hangerness (anger that results from hunger) from ruining your relationships.
No matter the type, whether it be from a fluffy fried donut or a hardy sweet potato, it all breaks down and digests as a simple sugar (monosaccharide). Other than nutritional content, the biggest difference between the healthier carbohydrates is how slowly they digest and absorb in your body, which usually means they will keep you fuller for longer.
So add them back into your nutrition. At the end of the day, it’s not about cutting specific food groups out of your diet. It’s about calories in and calories out.
Recommendations (Andrews, 2021):
🍞For the general population, the minimum recommended intake of carbohydrates is 130 grams (3 palmfuls of cooked pasta or 3-4 medium potatoes).
🍞The above recommendation is dependent on the individual’s body size and activity level.
For example:
▪️If you are trying to build muscle mass and weight you are not going to see much of a difference in your physique and strength if you are cutting carbs from your diet.
▪️If you are sedentary most of the day and of smaller stature, trying to lose weight, or on a cut, you will need to eat a smaller amount of carbohydrates.
🍞Consume at least 25 grams of fiber (beans, vegetables, fruits, seeds etc.). Take care of your 💩💩
If you have any other questions on nutrition or fitness in general, feel free to shoot me a DM! I would love to answer any questions 🙂