Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate

Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate


At BHKK we have a professional and friendly atmosphere with knowledgeable instructors to help with y The Art of Kenpo is a Living Art.

United Kenpo Systems™ is based upon respect for the scientific, written work of Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker. It lives through its school, instructors and students. The principles inherent in the techniques, forms and sets are prescribed in a specific manner for both physical and mental progress. United Kenpo Systems™ welcomes all Kenpoists, encouraging them to enhance communication and their understanding of the Art by using the available standardized manuals.

Operating as usual


Mr. Hawkins sharing a drill with three different ways to counter a two-hand lapel grab where you can "lock and injure" your opponent's arm/wrist/shoulder. Remember, these drills are ways to expand your vocabulary of motion and add to your self-defense "toolkit"


All BHKK schools will be open today during the firestorms. If you are a student please check your email for updates. Stay safe everyone.


On Monday, November 11, we honor and express our deepest gratitude to the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces. Your courage, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to our country are the foundation of the freedoms we hold dear.

Whether you served in times of peace or conflict, your dedication and selflessness have made an enduring impact on our nation and its people. You have answered the call to defend the values we cherish, and for that, we are forever thankful


Mr. Hawkins sharing key insights related to timing and targets within the technique FATAL DEVIATION.


Mr. Hawkins sharing insight into both "COMPOUND" and SIMULTANEOUS" strikes in a grafted technique of Destructive Kneel and Shield and Mace.

Photos from Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate's post 10/04/2024

A memorable day last Sunday when during the 27th Annual BHKK Awards Ceremony, Mr. Lex Sensenbrenner and Mr. Ron Sanchez received the Kenpo Legacy Awards for 2024. Additionally, Mr. Hawkins recognized students and instructors of the year from all three BHKK Dojos. The attendance by so many Kenpo seniors to honor Mr. Sensenbrenner and Mr. Sanchec made the celebration very special for all in attendance!


Test your training. Test yourself.


Can you say: "Drills to learn a skill."


UPDATE: Mr. Hawkins will be teaching a seminar at the Internationals Saturday, Aug. 31st at 11:30 a.m. We hope you'll participate.


Freestyle Techniques? A selected review.


Solid instruction from Mr. Idol on Entwined Maces.


We hope you will be able to join us for our 27th Annual Awards. Registration available on our website:

Donate to Support Colin's Battle Against Rare Cancer, organized by Karyn Dilworth 08/08/2024

A Special Request from Bryan Hawkins Kenpo
Hello everyone,

Some of you may know that our friend and Kenpo student Colin is suffering from a rare form of cancer. His Sister and Father are also students in our school.
Will you please consider helping Colin with his GoFundMe? Thank you so much for your help and prayers.

Click on the link below for more information.

Donate to Support Colin's Battle Against Rare Cancer, organized by Karyn Dilworth From Colin's mother, Pandora: My beautiful son, Colin Walker, is 1… Karyn Dilworth needs your support for Support Colin's Battle Against Rare Cancer

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Videos (show all)

Mr. Hawkins sharing a drill with three different ways to counter a two-hand lapel grab where you can "lock and injure" y...
Mr. Hawkins sharing insight into both "COMPOUND" and SIMULTANEOUS" strikes in a grafted technique of Destructive Kneel a...
Can you say: "Drills to learn a skill."
Freestyle Techniques?  A selected review.
Solid instruction from Mr. Idol on Entwined Maces.
Here is a great "UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL" drill Mr Idol presented in Class this morning that was shared with him by Mr Mik...
"AND THE HITS JUST KEEP ON COMING" No Pun Intended! Mr. Gregan with a lesson how utilizing  Mr. Parker's "Equation Formu...




12243 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday 3pm - 8:30pm
Wednesday 12pm - 8:30pm
Thursday 3pm - 8:30pm
Friday 12pm - 8:30pm