Bo's Fitness Camps

Bo's Fitness Camps


We are not just another jumping jacks-push-ups-burpees style "boot camp." Bo's Fitness Camps.

All fitness levels welcomed because exercises are modified to meet every ability level. 45 minutes of scientifically based exercise designed to burn fat at 9X the rate of traditional exercise. We use timed sets 90% of the time to ensure a workload that is scalable and reasonable for all.

Operating as usual


Give yourself a gift today and take a 60 second nature bath. Benefits include reduction in cortisol levels, adrenal reboot, time away from daily nuisance and it’s sensory pleasing. Speaker up so you can hear ‘your footsteps’ and really dive in. Take a bath. It takes 60 seconds.


On this , saying hello to the best “coach” I’ve ever had . I gave her burpees and angina, she gave me the rest. On Martha’s Vineyard, Destination Camp, 2015. We did work!!

Photos from Bo's Fitness Camps's post 11/11/2020

Honoring and remembering my two favorite veterans today, who never averted an opportunity to proudly refer to themselves as Marines. 60 years after their service, Semper Fi still found its way into their vernacular.


The sun sets on the CSN football field tonight after practice. Our season continues into the playoffs this Friday Night. Proud of the young men and their accomplishments. GO HAWKS!


Just read President- elect Biden’s plan for his first 100 days in office. “To every thing there is a season, turn, turn, turn.” — The Byrds, of course. The other quote I can’t identify, but comes immediately to mind is: “A moral universe arcs toward justice.” I’m looking forward to the season of healing.


Have you ever? Since Washington graciously stepped down from 2 consecutive terms, sighting ‘term limits’ before there was such a concept, but conscious of not becoming another ‘king’ ; since an election was held in spite of a civil war without insults as to lack of voter integrity; since the tumultuous terms of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton; since Gore vs Bush culminated in a democratic, fair and seamless transfer of power ... have you ever? If you want the most profusely and evident answer as to why s**t is this effed up, just look at the protagonist of the last 4 years of the American political landscape. As better minds once stated for all posterity: we hold these truths to be self evident. When a sitting president defaces the integrity of a free and democratic election without evidence, he undermines the very tenants of a just society. A ‘personality’ does not make a competent guardian of a ‘grand experiment in human endeavor.’ We made an egregious mistake America. Let’s move on and learn from it, America. With grace. With dignity. Enough already.


Since she was a snotty 3rd grader, we’ve been returning each October to autumn’s prime real estate: Bucks County, PA. Dads, daughters and fall’s reverse bloom.


75°. Blue September skies. To drink a local craft beer without a trace of sweat down your spine is a beautiful thing.

Photos from Bo's Fitness Camps's post 09/04/2020

Game day. GO HAWKS!!! New team, new stadium, new opportunities. Kids are great and fired up. Support the home team. 🏈💪🏼👏🏼

Timeline photos 08/05/2020

Family and Fitness: two major pillars to build a life around. So fortunate to have these two peeps on my team. Gonna miss the blue crab and one-liners. So grateful to be occasional neighbors. Love you sister and brother.

Timeline photos 07/30/2020

On this , let’s throw it wayyyy back to gain perspective on this Thursday, July 30th 2020 •
If you were born in 1900, you came of age just in time for WWl: 22 million people die in trench warfare and the use of nerve gas. On your 18th birthday the Spanish Flu epidemic kills at least 50 million people, maybe up to 100 million in 2 years • As you put that behind you the Great Depression robs you of your career, empties your bank account, very likely your home. You’re 29 years old • 4 long years and the world economy has tanked. Climbing out of those 3 epic atrocities in 30 years you’ve but a brief respite when WWll erupts and by 1941, America is engulfed in a fight for its democracy;
even at 41, you may be drafted as it’s “all hands on deck.” 100 million people perish in concentration camps, the Soviet pograms, famine, war and genocide• And, in the “good old days” for over 40 years, you feared smallpox, which killed 300 million people, and, until you were 55, recurring polio each summer that paralyzed neighbors, friends, family, the POTUS. Nuclear war was an ever present threat, as your children practiced doomsday drills under their school desks • I could go on ... we can lament the world in 2020, bask in self pity and be victims to circumstance. Old News • Perspective is GOLD • If you are living today you are luckier than billions of the dead • Count me in on 2020. Let’s

Timeline photos 07/29/2020

As we age, we will require a bump: a longer warm up? More mobility training? Shorter workouts? Attention to recovery? No shame in it ... you just keep on with keeping on AND DO WORK!

Timeline photos 07/23/2020

Timeline photos 07/17/2020

C’mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, tryn’ love one another right now.”
– The Youngbloods. • Things are getting worse, not better. Can we do this? Could this citizenry have stepped up in 1776 or 1941? It’s. A. Mask!! What ever happened to the Human Race?? It’s one line to real freedom ... get in it. ?

Timeline photos 07/17/2020

C’mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, tryn’ love one another right now.” – The Byrds • Things are getting worse, not better. Can’t we just do the work? Wear the mask; it’s a symbol of love and respect for your fellow man. And that’s all. Whatever happened to the Human Race? We *all*need to walk the walk.

Photos from Bo's Fitness Camps's post 07/14/2020

As we get older 2 THINGS must change as we train, or we end up constantly battling injuries, inflammation, loss of elasticity and range of motion. 1). We need to spend *more* time with the gear in picture two, and less total time with the gear in picture one. ••• 2). Our workouts can and should employ reasonable intensity, but will best be tolerated if not too frequent. ••• Here’s why: as we age, our ability to recover does not keep pace with our ability to generate scale-able intensity. So, while we can still push ourselves, we tease injury and chronic over training by not (spending enough time between workouts w training tools in picture 2), allowing for better recovery = less joint stress = appropriate adrenal response = better adaptation = continued DO WORK SUCCESS. •••As I have continued to train, I now devote 35% of my workout allotted time to recovery/prehab/mobility modalities. See you out there! @ The World is My Gym

Timeline photos 07/08/2020

You can judge the whole world on the sparkle that you think it lacks , you can stare into the abyss but it’s starring right back. — The Dawes. As America plods along, we can all the best we can as separate souls. It’s up to every one of us to fight the good fight. Wear the mask; keep the space and the peace. In the absence of leadership, we’ve got to do it ourselves. Be a .

Timeline photos 07/06/2020

All we have is now. You have work to do? Do it now. More than ever. ✅

Timeline photos 07/04/2020

“You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.”
– Bob Dylan. With that in mind, enjoy the Independence Day Weekend knowing that we celebrate with extreme caution. Stay *independent* of a hospital in another 2 weeks because you wanted to ‘normalize’ your party approach. Be smart and stay safe! Masks, frequent hand washing, distance. It sucks, but so will we all be if we cannot breathe. This is one time when being a party pooper isn’t such a bad thing. 😷

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

BREAKING NEWS: our public health crisis is hurdling into a national calamity. You can hide your head in the sand if you choose, but do it wearing a mask. A mask doesn’t make you look weak, it makes you look conscientious. A mask doesn’t make you look vulnerable, if makes you look rational. A mask doesn’t make you look worried, if makes you look responsible. A mask isn’t about YOU ... it’s about ALL OF US. Cases are multiplying exponentially; wearing a mask makes you look aware, thoughtful, considerate and selfless. So please, wear a mask ... or don’t, and just looked like a smacked ass. We wear masks because we care about YOU, our community and our nation. You can be on the right, and not be wrong to wear a mask. You can be left of center and be on point! It’s not about your politics; it’s a VIRUS!! STOP with the insanity and listen to the medical experts, NOT to your elected official who has his/her own motives separate from what is prudent from a public health perspective. You want to be a “patriot?” ... then make a sacrifice for your country and WEAR the effin’ MASK!

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

These habits are far from groundbreaking, however, “Golden Rules” are timeless, and when the trivialities of life were stripped bare with the public health crisis, leaning on them like old friends proved life changing. After 30 years of training, personally and professionally, the basics are as valuable as ever.

Timeline photos 07/01/2020

Drove the college kids back to school; 16 hours Naples to Salisbury, MD. They weren’t much company. 🤷🏻‍♂️ as in . It’s all the 💪🏼🙌🏼😅

Timeline photos 06/26/2020

Q:Why do we exercise today?
A: So we can exercise again tomorrow.

Timeline photos 06/25/2020

Remember Miami Vice? This isn’t it, but it *is a throw back Thursday. I don’t remember, but I hope I didn’t actually go anywhere after this picture was taken.

Timeline photos 06/22/2020

To all the dad’s I’ve trained over 30 years: Happy Father’s Day.

Timeline photos 06/10/2020

My face when someone tells me they are mortified when it’s been discussed that certain police departments be defunded. Really? As if living in a world where education is defunded is remotely more acceptable? Yet, it happens somewhere every year. More bucks for batons, less for books. Reasonable.

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

Love has no color. Love has no gender. Love has no bias. Who would you love if love were invisible. If you loved from your soul, not your senses? Love is the greatest

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

There’s a lot of work to be done.

Timeline photos 05/24/2020

Road trip. Road . Good habits need steam. Stay safe this Holiday Weekend.

Timeline photos 05/22/2020

Don’t look for the excuse, look for the

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Videos (show all)

Give yourself a gift today and take a 60 second nature bath. Benefits include reduction in cortisol levels, adrenal rebo...
Just hangin’ out? Put it to good use. The past 8 weeks have been tough on your mobility (**joint mobility especially), s...
New report today published in The NY Times recommends people “get outside” for mental and physical wellness. Bo’s concur...
My mom’s no longer with us;4 years ago to this very day. So the TRX ‘air fly’ is only fitting to find its way into the w...
ALWAYS pull more in your workouts than push. It’s the biggest mistake even trainers make in program design. Wait for the...
Want a simple yet effective technique to make your walks more restorative? Use  ‘box breathing’ to increase recovery, fa...
Over the Atlantic there’s a big storm brewin’ but we’re still doin’ .... WUUUUURK!#trx #raining&training #bigblow #winde...
Speaker up and breathe through it. This morning was 52° and rain. #SUDS. Instead of playing the victim , #ShowUpDoSometh...
No gym? No equipment? No training partner? No ideas? Go outside and be a good human: P L A Y!  You were born for this; e...
“Tire’d” of sitting inside? Get out and make things up. It’s all better than standing in the kitchen peering into the fr...
“Tire’d” of sitting in the house? Get outside and make stuff up; it’s better than standing in the kitchen with your head...
There’s a kind a’ hush all over the world ... when the closer closes. It’s like a library when we finish ...,ssshhhh! #d...





1600 Fleischmann Boulevard
Naples, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 6:45am
Wednesday 6am - 6:45am
Friday 6am - 6:45am
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