Sonrisa Yoga & Dance

Sonrisa Yoga & Dance

Sonrisa is Spanish for "smile" and we are a place dedicated to your inner smile. Offering yoga, danc

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The Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation for Students 11/06/2024

Dear Friends,

Happy Election Day (no matter who wins). I said I was going to get this out today, Nov 5th, and here it is. I’m affectionately nicknaming it “The Kamala Gita.” Right now it’s only available on Kindle, but it will also be available in soft cover soon. You can order a signed copy from me for $33, I’ll send it to you wherever you are once it’s printed.

Hari Om Tat Sat 💫💕💫Allowahnanda

The Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation for Students

The Bhagavad-Gita: A New Translation for Students This new translation of the Bhagavad Gita is excellent for students, scholars, and all those who are seeking to engage with this remarkable scripture in a deeper way. This is one of the finest English translations of the Bhagavad Gita due to its faithfulness to the precise meaning of terms and un...

Photos from Sonrisa Yoga & Dance's post 10/23/2024

Well, I began this translation in Florida at the beginning of 2024, and now I’m living here with my little family on the Big Island of Hawaii, about to release it towards the end of the year. It’s definitely been a journey and a process and a labor of love. If nothing else, I have learned much from more deeply engaging with this remarkable scripture, and as it has been rightly said, God is in the details. Which is to say that, as with anything, the more you delve into it, the more its secrets will be revealed. Perhaps this is even more true of sacred scripture, and the Gita is one of the world’s pre-eminent and most dearly beloved scriptures.

Originally, my intention was not so much to do a translation of the Gita as a commentary on it, partly as a way to share reflections with my yoga students and other students of the Gita. I still might do that, and I feel that I’ve made a good start of it with this translation. The other idea I had was to really look into the connection between Krishna and Christ, which many have already noted. Indeed, there does appear to be some deep connection between what we might term gnostic Christian teachings and the Gita, and some have even gone so far as to say that Christ and Krishna are truly one and the same. That book of mine, too, will have to wait. But like I said, I feel this translation before you is a step in the right direction.

So what have I learned? It’s maybe more correct to ask: what have I confirmed? Because I already knew that every translation is an interpretation. And I also knew that not all translations are created equal – yes, some interpretations are more reasonable and honest and accurate than others. By now, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of English translations of the Gita, only a minority of which are readily available in the marketplace. And only a minority of that minority appear to be precisely accurate and faithful to the text. If I sound right now like I’m paraphrasing a famous line in the Gita (the one about how relatively few people go all the way to God – verse 7.3), I am. And here I would like to acknowledge that one of the finest translations is that of Winthrop Sargeant, and I primarily referred to his work in creating my own translation (though I did look at others, too). Sargeant really did his “Om-work,” and he deserves some special praise for his efforts.

That said, we stand upon the shoulders of giants – if I can see a bit farther now, it is because of that. Yes, I do feel that this translation is an improvement on Sargeant’s in some respects, and even while I say this, another “confirmation” is that no translation is ever perfect, and it’s always a case of “win some-lose some.” Meaning that with whatever I might have added by presenting the text in just this way, I lost something else in the process. Which is why it’s good to have more than one translation, and each person will no doubt find the translation that works best for them -- just as everyone will find the yogic or spiritual path that works best for them, as well as interpretation of the Gita that best suits them.

Which brings me to the final and foremost thing I wanted to share with you here, and that is the primary question which has consumed me in my deep engagement with the Gita: Is God a person or personality that is somehow separate and distinct, or is God ultimately beyond name and form entirely – more of an abstract essence or Spirit? And what does the Gita really say about this? And can one trust any of the interpretations in this regard, or are they all somewhat biased one way or the other? For example, let’s take a key word in this debate: purusha. When God is spoken of as purusha in the Gita, is this to be translated as “Person” (or “Personality”), or better as “Being” or “Spirit”? And even if we speak of a “Supreme Being,” are we then referring to a distinct and separate entity, or are we talking more about a non-dualistic “Supreme Beingness,” if you will?

There are no easy answers here, and perhaps that’s just as it needs to be. Indeed, some have said that Krishna (or the author of the Gita) purposefully intended for the Gita to be able to be read on different levels and in different ways. So that if you tend toward the “personalist” point of view, that is what you will see here; and if toward the “impersonalist” camp, you will also have ample reason to feel that the Gita is pointing to the ultimate truth of nonduality. Which is not to say that one of them is correct and that the other is not – perhaps they are both true somehow. Who really can say beyond any shadow of a doubt?

That said, I would like to take this opportunity to weigh in on this weighty and hotly debated issue. It seems to me, upon deeply engaging with this text and looking at its “subtext” in light of its own fuller context, as well as the context of the greater Hindu (Sanatana Dharma) literature, that that there is a fundamental Unity that is being pointed to in the Gita. If God is spoken of here in personal terms, it is only because the abstract and formless nature of reality is so difficult to grasp for us who are in form, in human bodies. And I would further maintain that the ultimate truth of nonduality solves many of the core theological dilemmas of humanity. It can also help stop the war – both the wars between us, and more to the point: the war within ourselves.

And so, I humbly present my own small offering toward loka samgraha, the betterment of the world, which must always start with y/our own heart and mind.


Dear Friends,

This new translation of the Bhagavad Gita is excellent for students, scholars, and all those who are seeking to engage with this remarkable scripture in a deeper way.

This is one of the finest English translations of the Bhagavad Gita due to its faithfulness to the precise meaning of terms and unbiased approach.

What is unique about this translation is its inclusion of the original Devanagari (Sanskrit script), Roman transliteration, various meanings given for each word, and precise English translation, presented side-by-side with the Sanskrit. The reader cannot help but learn Sanskrit in the process of reading it. No version to date has presented the text in quite this way.

Above all, despite its size, it presents the Gita in a very easy-to-read and accessible way, giving one page to each of its 700 verses.

The one thing this volume does not contain is an explanation of the meaning of each verse (so-called "purports"), but it does have introductory notes and a glossary of terms. The upside of not having the purports is that the reader can better engage with the text without the filter of interpretation. While some would say that a translation is not an interpretation, and this is true, the reader is welcome to compare with any of the many other translations available on the market.

This version of the Gita has been lovingly prepared for you with the intention of remaining as true as possible to the original meaning of this immortal dialogue.

The author has 30 years of study of Sanskrit and Yoga, and did graduate work in Sanskrit at the University of Pennsylvania.
Please check out his YouTube channel "Truly Helpful Life" to learn more about the Bhagavad Gita and universal spiritual teachings with him.

The book will be published on Nov. 5th. Right now you can pre-order it for $33 and the author (Allowah Lani) will send you a signed copy to the address you provide. Or you can pre-order through Amazon. I will provide the link for you soon.


This November 5th, a new translation of the Bhagavad Gita is being released to the world...

It's been hailed as one of the finest English translations available today -- at least in the translator's mind!

Seriously, there are so many translations of the Gita out there, why do we need another one?

Well, for one, I would like to affectionately call this and ask that it be known as the "Kamala Gita." Did you know that in Sanskrit, Kamala means "lotus"? Yeah, and that there are 2 occurrences of that word in the Gita. The first is where Krishna is referred to as the "Lotus-Eyed One" (Kamala-aksha-patra). There is also one reference to the now more commonly used Sanskrit word for lotus, and that is "padma."

(Plus, I will add that not only does Kamala Harris have the given name, but her surname also is very close to "Hari," which is another name for Krishna : )

This translation, in addition to celebrating the Indian heritage of the woman who will probably be our next president, is also unique in several other ways...

First, it is very faithful to the original text, without adding or subtracting words, and every attempt has been made to keep free of bias and any dogma or sectarian agenda.

The only real liberty taken in the translation was to remove the masculine pronouns and replace them with gender-neutral pronouns. So, for example, instead of using "he," I chose to use "one" or "they." In this way, anyone who reads it will feel that it applies to them, whether man, woman, or otherwise. In this way, you might also call it the first "transgender" Gita ; )

Speaking of which, all of my first gurus from India were women. India, at least, has been at the forefront of the movement of women leading the way. And really, guys, it's about time we got that memo, too, over in this neck of the woods.

The "Kamala Gita" is also very faithful to the Sanskrit and is actually really helpful for those who would actually like to delve into Sanskrit a bit more. That's why I'm also calling it "the Student's Gita." I think it would be great for Yoga TT students and those who really want to access the original meaning and import of the dialogue.

Finally, I will say that I really do feel this is one of the most faithful and accurate English translations available, bar none, and even improves somewhat upon the best English translations on the market.

So... the Kamala Gita. Who wants one? If you do, but are not sure, I will send you a PDF version of it for free. If you like it, you can pre-order a signed copy for just $33 ($18.88 + shipping). I will send the hard copy right off to you once I am able. It might take until Thanksgiving, but it will get to you. And then you can gift it to people for Christmas!


Please connect soon if you feel the call to join us for this amazing experience that will combine yoga, plant medicine, music & more…


Who is calling in a life-changing and totally epic yoga & plant medicine retreat on Kaua’i?💫🌈🌞🌈💫


AL🌺HA from the beach! 🙏🌋🌈
We are almost ready for having UPCOMING 300-HOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING on HAWAII.
at Kona side.

We are truly blessed and happy to be here at our new H🕉️me. And we are happy sharing Love, wisdom, experiences and also learn from everyone who is coming on our path too. 🙏🌺 Mahalo Hawaii

We are looking forward to having you at our YTT.
We are FULL with Lodging. But if you would like to JOIN US, You can still join and attend our daily Yoga University from September 18-October 2nd without lodging.

We are offering KAMA’ AINA discount
(if u have your own lodging and meals we also offer discount.) If you like to join us, get YOGA CERTIFIED and transform your life, please connect with us as soon as possible.

If you live in Kona and would like to make a partial worktrade-meal preparation in the kitchen,
it’s also possible!

We are planning to offer regularly YOGA TEACHER TRAININGS with official Certificate at Hawaiian islands. Our YTT it’s a whole University program which includes all yoga styles, history, theory, spiritual aspects, philosophy, physiology and much more.

CONNECT at: 239-315-0854 📲

Losin' the Illusion, by Allowah 09/10/2024

Aloha Friends,

Here's another track from my new album, One Life. It's a song that I wrote half a lifetime ago while sitting on U of Penn's campus. I had been getting deep into yoga and reading the Bhagavad Gita, reflecting a lot about the war within ourselves. I found this cool riff and then the rest of the chords flowed. I think I probably thought of the first line then and there, and then labored over the rest later, I don't recall anymore.

A couple of years ago, I finally got a chance to record the song, and it interestingly came in the same week that Russia invaded Ukraine. Not too long after, Christopher Nolan's great film, Oppenheimer, came out. J. Robert Oppenheimer was famously thinking about the Gita as he watched the first atomic bomb test in Los Alamos in 1945.

Recently I did a YouTube video about the two verses from the Gita that Oppenheimer was thinking about. Here they are, starting with:

"If the light of a thousand suns
were to rise in the sky at once,
it would be like the light
of that great spirit."
(Bhagavad Gita 11.12)

Just a little later, he thought about the verse:

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds."
(Bhagavad Gita 11. 32)

The truth is that Oppenheimer later said that while he thought of those verses, he didn't actually say them.

As for the second verse, I believe that Oppenheimer may have been confusing or conflating it with verses 9.19, and 10.34, where Krishna says: "I am death." (Oppenheimer did not have the power of the internet at his disposal : )

I always thought that I would include a verse from the Bhagavad Gita in the "Losin' the Illusion" song, and kind of last minute, I asked my good friend and amazing sound guy Yoa YoîkYasî at StarFrog Mastering to add Oppenheimer's "I am become death" line, along with the sounds of an actual atomic bomb. I think Yoa did a great job with his assignment.

All in all, the song is a reminder to myself that peace is an inside job, and that I can fight life and the world, but it's all about finding the peace within, while also doing my part to promote peace in the world -- and inner peace is also a big part of my part.

You can listen to the track here:

Losin' the Illusion, by Allowah from the album One Life



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