Orion Ohev

✨ Get Your Free Personalized Human Design Report


Operating as usual


📩Download now! A personalized leadership report for executives, managers, business owners, & leaders who live at the leading edge.✨

👉Discover and apply your Unique Leadership Type, Decision-Making Strategy, and Leadership Style: 🌟OrionOhev.com/hdleaders 🌟


🍃This was taken on a hike in Colorado Springs. While at a Human Design conference, I took a break to go on a hike with a new friend.

This land was breathtaking, the stark contrast of the red rocks jutting out in all directions amongst the beautiful green ocean. 🍃


An exhale.

When a moment inspires so much that your breath suddenly stops and then releases in a great relaxation🙌. Nature is important in this way as it reminds us of the beauty we're a part of. As it helps us reconnect to the natural awe that is all around. The joy. The peace. The presence that is underneath whatever emotions you're feeling in every moment.💚

☝️How can you create more moments for your breath to be taken? By the paintings on your wall? By the clicks and clacks of your keyboard? By the smell of the neighbor cooking dinner?

🌟This is a powerful skillset for a leader: ✨Presence✨. The powerful pause. Nature is a reminder. Allowing your breath to be taken by a moment is a choice always available.

A gateway to peace, presence, clarity, and inspiration. Ideas are waiting for this space to emerge into💡. Ideas that, if you allow the busyness to calm for a few moments, will make some of the busyness irrelevant.

🤔So the question isn't ... do I have time to pause? The question is ... 🧏‍♂️do you have time to be busy? Can you afford to be busy?


The thing I love most about Santa Fe is the land. The energy of it is potent, healing, and nurturing.🍃

When I was deciding where to move in 2020, my mind was excited about going somewhere with lush forests, regular rain, and moisture. And so of course, I moved to the desert. 🫶

No matter what I thought, my body kept driving me to Santa Fe. It wasn't logical. But my body knew. And when I got here, I fell in love. For the first year, I was a hermit, rediscovering myself after some challenging community dynamics in California.

During that time, I focused on building my capacity to self-regulate my nervous system, to create a sense of safety within myself when I felt scared, anxious, or panicked. To deepen my ability to not turn to community, dating, work, or cookies in order to calm the emotional intensity. ☝️But to remind my nervous system that it was safe through presence, movement, breath, and long hours walking the land. ‍🚶‍♂️

👉At a certain point in your personal development journey, you'll hit this point too - when you've done all the mental and emotional awareness work. 🤝And all that's left is to build your ability to be in your body. To use the tools you've learned to stay grounded in the intensity of those emotions and sensations instead of using those tools to rise above them. 🙌

To unravel Not-Self patterns at the somatic and physiological level through presence, awareness, and gentleness. Creating space instead of filling it. 🥰

▶️I want you to have the same experience I did on this land. Let's create space together in your nervous system to unravel old patterns at the deeply rooted somatic levels, through deepened presence, awareness, and acceptance - creating space for your nervous system to feel safe to create the life you're meant to create, guided by your inner wisdom outside your comfort zone. ◀️

📩If this piques your interest... if you're feeling the pull, DM me or email me at [email protected], and let's chat to see if it's the right fit. 💚


✨Living your design means truly EMBODYING who you're here to be.

And that means aligning to your place. 👆Not FINDING your place. No. 👉Aligning to it. Aligning to your natural role in the web of humanity.

As you do that, misalignments will naturally fall away. They have to.

🧬And, in that space, you'll be guided by YOUR inner wisdom, a wisdom ONLY YOU have access to, to the others who are re-aligning to THEIR natural role.

And you'll get to play in more ease and abundance and collaboration🫂.

✅Come join us in Santa Fe from Oct 20 - 23 to align back to your natural role. And to help release the resistance from your nervous system that is scared of doing so, with gentleness and compassion.

👉We're going to get geeky AND get in our bodies. Hope to see you there! 👈

✅Food and accommodations are covered so you can relax and receive. Check out the details here ▶️ OrionOhev.com/Embody

If you're feeling the pull, send me an email at 📩 [email protected], and let's chat to see if it's a good fit.


👆As a leader in the emerging Age of AI🤖, getting into nature is more important than ever.

✋To create moments of pause in your day. To get away from the to-do lists and create space to see clearly.

🍃To breathe fresh air and feel your feet on the soil beneath you. To take a few deep breaths.

🌟And, most importantly, to notice and give space to all the parts of you (the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs) that keep you from doing so.

To bring awareness and attention to how your to-do list takes you off your center. And to inquire about how that affects your leadership and your relationships.

👉Accomplishing more is going to become less and less the measuring stick for success and career advancement in the coming years. It's those who can create space in the storm that will future-proof themselves and guide their teams to the creativity and innovation that is lying buried under that busyness. To uncover it and allow space for it. To create space for creative thinking individually and as a group.

🧐How can you create a bit more space for yourself today? Can you trust that, in that space, even more efficiency can emerge? Can you bravely be present with the parts of you that don't trust, that feel anxious? Can you not use busyness to avoid it. But instead use space to transform it? 🙌


🌟Come join me and an intimate group in Santa Fe to more deeply embody your Human Design. ➡️Friday, Oct 20 6pm - Monday Oct 23 11am.

🏞We will be on 10+ acres of land at the edge of the Pecos National Forest on the powerful desert land here. You will:

- Utilize Qi Gong to deepen your capacity to be present with and shift ""Not-Self"" patterns that block you from living your design. ✨

- Build your capacity to allow your body's wisdom, your Strategy and Authority, to guide you outside your comfort zone with confidence. 🤝

- Build your sensitivity to feel the various aspects of your chart in your body, so you can live how you're designed to live. 🌟

💫Together, with others on a similar path, you'll release protection patterns in your nervous system no longer needed, creating space for your natural purpose to happen through you. And we're going to get geeky too!💫

✅Food and accommodations are covered so you can relax and receive. Check out the details here: OrionOhev.com/Embody

📩If you're feeling the pull, send me an email at [email protected] and let's chat to see if it's a good fit.


🔒Comfort zones. Predictable. Safe.

Your mind has carefully crafted your comfort zone rooted in the ways you've learned to navigate this world over the years.

To navigate a world where you had to suppress yourself in order to avoid pain. To feel accepted. To survive.

🌟So, when you start stepping into your leadership: in your life, in your business, in your career, in your expression, your body's wisdom will guide you outside of that comfort zone. To opportunities you can't see from your current vantage point. To more ease and purpose. ✨

Yet, your mind will resist. It's worked hard to create that comfort zone. To protect you. So, trying to force your mind to exit the comfort zone doesn't work✋. But you already know this. If you're reading this, I'm sure you've tried. And, you've learned that your mind will eventually bring you back into the comfort zone, leaving you frustrated and upset with yourself for "doing it again". 🤔

So what to do?

Honor your mind🙌. Be gentle with your mind. Be grateful for these patterns that keep you stuck. Because they're the only reason you made it this far. Shift your perspective to feel this gratitude in your bones, deep in your heart💛. This is what helps these patterns relax, the electricity to fire more slowly, and for space to be created for a new behavior to happen. 🧬

Be curious about when and why you created these patterns. And honor your bravery. With consistency of this awareness and deep acceptance, the pattern will realize it's no longer needed. 👋

👉If this hit you deeply, consider joining us in Santa Fe from Oct 20-23 for the "Embody Your Design" Retreat where we'll be utilizing Qi Gong and Human Design to unravel these patterns and build capacity to live how we're designed: OrionOhev.com/Embody.

📩If interested, send me an email at [email protected], and let's chat.

Hope you're having a beautiful day.


➡️If you’re like most leaders, you’re probably frustrated to see that, after giving your employees the opportunities, education, autonomy, and agency they’re looking for, they don’t know what to do with it🤔. And they end up asking for more direction and structure – the very thing they wanted less of in the first place.

🔑There are a few keys here:

1. Autonomy looks different for each team member. Various levels of structure and direction will be needed for each person to operate autonomously.

2. As we're coming out of the Information Age and the Industrial Age before that, autonomy in the workplace is a new thing. Most people's nervous systems have learned to seek structure so they have a clear definition of how to perform well. So, it's important to help build the capacity of your team to navigate the discomfort that can happen with autonomy, at the nervous system level.

3. Patterns of conformity are rooted in at the nervous system level. It's how most learned to survive and thrive in the Information Age. Space needs to be created to uproot those patterns, which live in the nervous system below the level of logic.

📣Most people on your team have been taught throughout their lives to survive and thrive by conforming and creating a predictable comfort zone. Yet, innovation requires unpredictability. It requires the capacity to navigate the discomfort that comes with ambiguity and the unknown.


Download Now!!📩 A Personalized Leadership Report for Executives, Managers,
Business Owners, & Leaders Who Live At The Leading Edge🤝
Discover and Apply Your Unique Leadership Type, Decision-Making Strategy, and Leadership Style🌟


True change begins with awareness. Before creating something new, we must understand how the past unconsciously shapes our present. Only by bringing unconscious patterns into conscious awareness can you create sustainable shifts in your life.

These "Not-Self" patterns are patterns you built into your nervous system unknowingly in order to protect yourself in situations where it wasn't safe to be fully you.

These are powerful patterns. They are also the patterns you're most likely to judge and identify as a problem. If you catch yourself doing that, get curious. They aren't patterns to fix. They are patterns to build awareness around, understand, and deeply accept. It's in the acceptance of the purpose they served that allows your nervous system to relax. This creates space for your nervous system to shift. ✨


Collaborating with futurists can provide valuable insights and perspectives to enhance your leadership skills, deepen your understanding of individual skills, and develop new ideas that will prepare your organization for success in the global workplace of tomorrow.

By obtaining certification, you can elevate your leadership abilities and demonstrate to your organization and industry that you are committed to staying ahead of the curve.

Let us help you tap into the future and create a strategy for success that will keep your organization relevant and competitive. Learn more about the program and immersion experience on the website of my partner, The Jacobson Institute of Grand View University.

The link is in my bio.


Do I trust myself to be excited about life, my work, and learning?

This is the question I’ve been looking for. And it hit me like a ton of bricks today.

I’ve been contemplating joy a lot and relaxing more into it. Letting myself bask in life, my home, my work that I love so much.

And yet I sometimes find myself avoiding it, even annoyed by it. Afraid of it. Making it a burden.

And I’ve been looking for the right question to understand this pattern. Today, it arrived while writing a proposal on my porch: Do I trust myself to be excited about life, my work, and learning?

The question felt like clarity, a vibrant tingling in my chest that was invigorating and energizing. Space. Followed by a deep breath.

The answer is no. And this awareness is extremely free-ing. Because the next question is, “Why not?”

And the answer to that is the last time I let myself get lost in the excitement of learning and doing work I love, I ended up running 2 companies, consulting part time, and volunteering on weekends.

I burned out. And so I built a strategy to not get too excited. This strategy helped me heal but it’s now holding me back from my fullest joy.

And this question helps me realize that the excitement isn’t the problem. It’s my ability to not lose myself in it. To trust myself to be discerning amidst it.

This is the first A: awareness.

The second A is Acceptance. Accepting the part of me that is scared to get lost in joy and excitement and so avoids immersing too deeply in it.

As I create space to feel this fear, to feel the pain stored in my body from past experiences, I slow down the auto-pilot firing of my nervous system that leads to blocking excitement. I give my nervous system space to shift.

And in this space, the 3rd A: Alignment can happen. I can soften into excitement and joy once again, knowing I won’t lose myself because I’m bringing along discernment and structure this time.

These 3 A’s are key to behavior change. You can’t force, fix, or figure out your way to sustainable change. You must first create the space for something new to happen. And it starts with Awareness and finding the right question. I hope you find the right question today :)


Our latest program designed to help the next generation of leaders expand their skill set and capacity. Two weeks into the program, the cohort will gather for an immersive 10-day experience at the Château de Pourtalès in Strasbourg, France. This opportunity offers much more than just a change of scenery, as guest speakers, creative workshops, and tours of the EU Parliament are all part of the experience.

Afterward, we'll head back home, complete the course, and apply our newly acquired skills. I am proud to lead this program in partnership with The Jacobson Institute at Grand View University. Together with us, you will develop the capacity and skills needed to overcome obstacles, leverage opportunities, and drive change. Upon completion of the program, you will have the tools to create a transformative environment and boost your team's confidence in dealing with diversity, change, and uncertainty.

Space is limited, so don't miss your chance to participate in this incredible opportunity. Check out my bio for the link to get more information and apply!


Leadership is constantly evolving, and a new generation of leaders is emerging worldwide. But what does it take to be effective leaders in this new era? 

That's where Emergent Leadership: The Anatomy of Innovation comes in. This online program is in partnership with The Jacobson Institute of Grand View University. It’s a certification course that will empower and energize you. Throughout the program, you will develop crucial skills and strategic frameworks needed to seize opportunities, overcome obstacles, and drive change. By the end of the course, you will have gained skills to create a transformative environment and boost your team's capacity to deal with change, diversity, and uncertainty. 

After 2 virtual classes, you’ll meet in person with your peer industry leaders for a 10-day immersive transformational experience at the beautiful Château de Pourtalès in Strasbourg, France. This experience will include guest lectures, networking with local business leaders, experiential training, tours of the EU Parliament, and more. Spots for this exclusive opportunity are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so don't miss out! We’re capping the class at about 20-25 leaders. Check out the link in my bio for more info and to apply.

Photos from Orion Ohev's post 03/06/2023

Just arrived at SXSW for the EDU portion. Excited for talks, workshops, and networking around shifting higher education over the next week.

The current higher ed system emerged from the Industrial Age, when children were transitioned from long hours on the farm to long hours in the factory to long hours in the classroom.

The first universities’ primary purpose was to create a reliable and compliant workforce of adults who could follow rules and meet deadlines.

That is what was needed to get society from where it was to where it is, with all the gifts and shadows. And now it is an antiquated system that needs to shift to bring us where we need to go.

It’s a time where we’re all invited to create space for the innovation and creativity that emerges from the tension of difference and uniqueness and multiple conflicting perspectives from which new emerges. To create this space for students to be in curiosity over conformity.

And to create space in the system for these shifts to take hold. Grateful for all the experts here this week dedicated to this shift!


Don’t make sense. Make nonsense.

Definition of sense: a sane and realistic attitude to situations and problems.

But who determines what is sane? What is realistic?

You? Or who?

Definition of nonsense: foolish or unacceptable behavior.

Unacceptable to who? Foolish to who?

To you? Or who?

Perhaps what is holding you back is you’re being sane when your heart and body is begging you to be foolish.

Realistic when your being is yearning to be unacceptable.

Because the same people that are defining what is sane and realistic are the ones that are telling you what is foolish and unacceptable.

My bet is it’s not you. But the ghosts of voices from your past bouncing around the echo chamber of your mind.

Under those voices is the consistent hum of the nonsense that is uniquely yours.

And what the world needs is more nonsense. Is for you to be a bit more unacceptable.

For you to hear the chides from around you of “but that doesn’t make sense!”

To say with a smile: “I know. Isn’t it wonderful?”

To shock others by not being perturbed by their attachment to you being sane and realistic. By helping them remember their insanity a bit.

So today, perhaps make a little less sense. Defy the acceptable.

Let that hum grow to a roar cutting through the echo chamber of the past… perhaps for just a moment. Alone. In your home. Maybe just make a weird sound. That could be the first step on the journey to being who you’re here to be.



Make some nonsense.

(painting is by a local artist here in Santa Fe. I wanted to credit them but can’t find the artist’s name!)


Playing the guitar strings of life.

I’ve recently gotten back into music and it’s been such a medicine for my being.

When I was a wee little lad, I was playing piano, saxophone, and drums.

I played bass guitar in a metal band for a while.

And now, after years off, I’m diving into Guitar. It’s so FUN! And is teaching me a lot about myself and humanity.

As I’m up early watching the recording of a team experience I facilitated for a client and appreciating the nuance and complexity of relational dynamics… and taking short breaks to strum the guitar …

… it’s clearer than ever that each human being on this planet is an instrument.

When you arrive, you are finely tuned, playing the song you’re designed to play. As you move through the world, you start to get out-of-tune.

The personal development journey is then a journey to get back into tune. But quite often, new filters are put on your instrument to make the sound “seem” more aligned without addressing the root “out-of-tuneness”.

Then over time, you let go of the filters and start to retune to your natural frequency.

And just when you think you’re all tuned up, you meet another human. And suddenly you’re out of tune again. So you begin to practice staying in tune no matter what chords others are playing or how out of tune they are. This helps others tune to themselves and helps you find the humans that are playing harmonic chords to yours.

Humanity is an orchestra. And your body (mind, emotions, physiology) is an instrument. When everyone is playing their part more and more, the song of the whole begins to emerge.

So first, tune yourself.

Then tune your relationships. From their, your natural purpose will happen through you in harmony with those around you and abundance will arrive as if the universe is giving you a standing ovation.

Because that is the way of things. When you play your tune, beauty is created and abundance flows your way.

So notice if you’re tuning to others instead of yourself. Notice if you’re using “autotune” or other filters.

And instead, with love, gentleness and patience, tune and practice your instrument … using your relationships as a guide to know what is out of tune.


Living the life of your dreams isn’t “easy”. But it can be full of “ease”.

And this is an important distinction. Most people get stuck because …

1. society has trained them to believe that they need to struggle in order to succeed.

2. They confuse “ease” and “easy”.

When you follow the wisdom of your heart, body, and intuition, you start taking action that is aligned with who you really are. With your natural gifts and talents. You start walking an illogical path that guides you to the people and opportunities that will help you create the life you desire. You remove resistance before acting.

And it won’t be easy, as society defines the word. You won’t be sitting on the couch watching your dreams manifest.

There will be lots of action to take. Yet you won’t overwhelm and exhaust yourself anymore.

There will be lots of fear to transmute and transcend. Yet you’ll do it at a pace your nervous system can handle.

There will be lots of energy required. But instead of using all your energy to push through resistance, you’ll get to use it on action that really matters.

This is ease. Not resisting the power of who you are. Flowing with the tides of life, not against them. Allowing your purpose to move through you.

No longer wasting your energy to hold together a carefully crafted comfort zone that is based on an approximation of who you are.

This is ease. Emotional. Stretching. Often uncomfortable.

ALIVE. Not easy. Challenging but not a struggle. Creating your life vs. being a victim to it.

When you stop trying to figure your whY out, and let it happen through you as it’s designed to, you shift from easY to ease.

When you stop trying to figure it out and follow what you KNOW deep in your bones, ease unfolds.

It’s a practice. It is uncomfortable. It’s an invitation that every moment offers

And here it is: notice your mind when it resists following your heart, body, and intuition because it thinks “it can’t be that easy.”

And remind your mind there’s a difference between ease and easy. Then breathe into the fear. And take a small step in that illogical direction, with the tides of life. And let your action take you so much further.


For years, I became adept at using spiritual tools to rise above my pain. To stay above my body.

Chasing a spiritual high convinced I’d arrived.

But my body knew I lied.

That soon I’d need my next fix to keep the facade alive.

Even though I wasn’t broken.

Even though my pain was no joke ‘n

my body was begging for me to be wokent

to the fact that I needed love from the one person I wasn’t seeking it from -


But I kept ignoring my pain to feel better. Abandoning myself and expecting my wife to do the work for me when I met her.

Until one day, when the house of cards came crashing down once more and I prayed to God to ask, what now?

And I realized I’d reached a point in my journey where the only thing left to do was build my capacity to BE with myself.

To use my tools to be instead of flee.

To say no to the cookie, the TV, the plant tea, the kundalini, the friend sea, and the sexy.

To say no to distraction and just be.

To be with the anxiety.

To remember how to regulate ME.

To handle my qi.

To be in my body no matter the intensity.

And when that happened… that was the day I was free.

That was the day peace, power, and purpose started to move through me
Exactly as it’s designed to be.

Creating life, relationship, and money FROM safety.

Not for safety.

There will come a time in your journey when you’ve done the work, learned the tools, given your power away and expanded your consciousness far enough such that…

The only thing left to do is self-regulate YOU.

To remember how to love being with YOU.

You’ve got this. The only way is through. You’ve got you.


What I love about the work I do with teams is understanding how everyone’s natural Genius plugs in with each other AND helping teams communicate honestly any frustrations lurking under the surface in a constructive way.

So it’s such a pleasure when I get to be part of a collaborative team so deeply willing to do both of those things

My role on the team is to bring my understanding of the trauma-informed healing process into a technical workflow that can be automated using Natural Language processing and artificial intelligence technology. To help those in the most need with the least money get access to a pathway for healing.

But that’s what I DO on the team. Who I BE on the team is someone who takes the big vision and helps translate it into something that can be implemented.

Also on the team is a Visionary who sees the big vision and drives it forward.

We have someone who understands the Tempo and what needs to happen to get the app to market and into the hands of the people who need it quickly for testing and refinement.

We have someone who understands how to set it up so we can collect the data to know how to optimize it to help the most people.

We have a couple people great at promotion and connecting.

And we have people who curate content and create organization beyond the scenes. And technical geniuses who have coded the pilot app and backend into existence, out of the limelight.

And it’s beautiful to have us continue to step more into our natural roles so we can leverage each other more powerfully.

And even better, it was SO inspiring to watch us have tough conversations with compassion and honesty and understanding - and with a realness and directness of what needs to shift to move things forward in a powerful way. And to have everyone show up to the conversation to listen and understand each other. And to commit to a new way of operating as a team.

It was beautiful to watch and be a part of and I’m so grateful for this team! Then we laughed a ton while eating some delicious Chinese food.

What does this story spark in you?

How do your communities leverage each other and communicate? How can you communicate more honestly?


I’m sitting at ABQ airport, about to board my 6am flight to LAX for a quarterly creation session with the NOLA team, an exciting project I’m a part of to support the healing of marginalized communities and individuals using the intersection of technology, western, and eastern healing methodologies.

And I’ve been sitting here settling into Joy. Excited for what’s about to emerge and excited for all the ways my dreams have been coming true.

Are there things I desire that aren’t here yet? Yes.

Do I have moments of anxiety, melancholy, and worry? Quite often!

But have I created so much of what I dreamed just a few short years ago? Yes!

The more I surrender into the creation that is HAPPENING ALWAYS, the more joy takes prominence over worry.

The more I try to chase joy through achievement, the more it slips through my fingers.

As long as you are desiring more in your life, there will be more challenges to help you become the person that has those desires.

This is life. It flows on. There’s a current you can swim with or against. And there are times when it’s important to honor the uncomfortable emotions that arise.

And there are other times when there’s an invitation to allow yourself to surrender into joy. To let go. To loosen your grip.

To find the inner smile underneath it all.

To fall into joy. Into presence.

To notice when you’re sad or worrying or anxious simply out of habit. Out of a trying to control the unfolding.

Then let go.



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Videos (show all)

✨Living your design means truly EMBODYING who you're here to be. And that means aligning to your place. 👆Not FINDING you...
🌟Come join me and an intimate group in Santa Fe to more deeply embody your Human Design. ➡️Friday, Oct 20 6pm - Monday O...
✨#humandesign #LeadershipJourney #purposedriven #DEI
The fastest, most direct path is not what the mind thinks it is.The mind will often do WHATEVER it can to keep you from ...
For every behavior you don't like about yourself, there's a REALLY good reason you behave that way. When diving into per...
To really have the intimacy you desire while still feeling centered in yourself, explore and discover the boundaries and...
Your voice is important. Your uniqueness is important. Don't be TOO humble. True Humility often gets confused with False...
Life's three c's are choices, chances, and changes. If you don't CHOOSE to take a CHANCE, nothing will ever CHANGE. BUT....




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