How to Get Rid of Back Pain Over 60 with These Exercises
Struggling with back pain? You're not alone! This video offers a gentle exercise routine specifically designed for those over 60. By strengthening your pelvi...
90 yrs. Old doing Therapeutic PILATES. Working on her scoliosis.
Q. Do you have chronic pain?
Statistics from the American Journal of Sports Medicine shows 80 percent of all orthopedic injuries are sports related induced.
-during an average year 85 percent of elite and recreational athletes are injured.
-55 percent of regular runners are injured.
-21 percent of regular walkers are injured.
-15 to 20 percent of the 40 million annual emergency room injuries in the U.S. are sports related. The non-emergency room injuries are estimated 5 times the amount.
The root cause of postural misalignment is not muscle imbalance. It’s our autonomic nervous system and our connective tissue (fascia) that does the work Of sustaining our posture and proper function.
Sommet Fitness is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: "How to Get Rid of Pain" Workshop by Sommet Fitness
Time: Aug 13, 2022 10:00 AM Arizona (2 hours)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 5330 3175
Passcode: painfree
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...
Meet Jenni Winters one of our Sommet Team
Jenni completed her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2013 and Bachelors of Science in Nursing in 2009. She worked as a pediatric nurse before pursuing a career in PT. She has worked in several traditional outpatient physical therapy clinics and 3D motion analysis at Phoenix Children’s Hospital for gait analysis and return to sport testing. She started her own PT practice in 2020. We are very lucky to have her on our Sommet Team! She’s also the owner of Triumph Physical Therapy
Jenni is a worldclass Ironwoman and recently competed Ironman World Championship in St. George and have qualified for Kona next year. I'm collaborating with her this coming weekend at Sommet Fitness "How to Get Rid of Pain Workshop" August 13, 10:00 am -12:00 noon. DM me if you want to join. Space are limited. See you there!
Wow! I was not expecting this. Out of 255 Pilates studios in Maricopa County.
"Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to share the great news that you've been named Best Pilates Studio by DistinguishedTeaching.com in 2022.
We scored 255 Maricopa County Pilates Reformer and Mat Training studios across a variety of salient criteria, and Sommet Private Pilates Studio & Physical Therapy has been recognized as the Top Pilates Studio in Scottsdale. We want to reward your success and commitment to excellence, so we're placing a ribbon on your profile and quotes.
Also, to help customers identify popular and top-rated professionals, we've featured you on our list of Best Pilates Classes in Scottsdale.
Your recognition is particularly significant as DistinguishedTeaching.com leverages Artificial Intelligence to measure your performance and see how you stack up to industry benchmarks.
See the link below to access the complimentary award badge you earned for providing exceptionally high levels of service to your clients.
View & Share Award Badge
Hope you like the feature and looking forward to getting your feedback.
Klaus Schneider
General Manager
Q. Why are we in so much pain?
Why So Much Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain?
During our conversation at the Own Your Health Podcast which you can find the full video here , Mind, Body, Breath Pilates Studio Owner and instruc...
Movement is Medicine.
Movement is Medicine with Stevenson Viscera, STOTT PILATES
Thank you for listening to the Own Your Health Podcast with cofounder Michael Roviello and his guest Stevenson Viscera owner of STOTT Pilates in Scottsdale, ...
Removing the pain is not enough, you have to restore your bodies biomechanics.
Q. Are you suffering from physical chronic pain? Please join us on Thursday May 20th, 5:30- 7:00pm for an evening of discovery the healing powers of your mind and body. Complimentary refreshments included
The learning never ends! It was a great weekend at the Stecco Fascial Manipulation course. I’m looking forward to sharing the benefits of this course with my patients.
➡️ The uniqueness of Fascial Manipulation® is looking at the body as a whole, not just “where it hurts” or where the problems appear to be.
➡️Fascial alterations away from the affected painful area are the actual cause of the problem. In most cases, we are able to treat acutely painful conditions and not even touch the area that hurts.
➡️In other words, the fascial structures in other areas may be causing abnormal (or unbalanced) pull or stress on the muscles, joints or nerves that cause you to feel pain, limited movement or even altered sensations in a different part of your body.
Scottsdale & Chandler, AZ
We offer one-on-one visits with a Doctor of Physical Therapy for all visits to keep you active and healthy.
📞 602-799-5423
🖥 www.triumphphysicaltherapy.com
Instagram: triumphsportsmovementpt
Facebook: Triumph Sports + Movement PT
This is where I’m at on the Vaccine line.
One of the causes of knee pain is dysfunctional hamstrings. They become contracted, thickened, and fibrotic. Due to prolonged “bent position “ like sitting. https://youtu.be/YcRRzSUlIKI
How to Fix Your Knee Pain
Are you thinking of getting knee surgery because the pain in your knees is getting worse? Here is a simple exercise on the Pilates Reformer that focuses on s...
“Every second of the day, an older person falls.
Every 20 seconds of the day a person dies due to a fall.”
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Pain is your friend! Pain is alarm signal telling you that your body is becoming unhealthy. The goal is not to turn off the pain but to fix the cause of the pain. Once the cause is fix, the pain goes away and stays away. For many years I’ve suffered from back pain. Now, I’m pain-free!
”I experienced neck issues due to surgery...
Q. How is your stress level? Severe or Balance
The top one was two months ago. I'm burning the candle on both ends.
The bottom part was 2 days ago. Balanced
Let me know if you have any questions about the health assessment.
Q. How is your cellular health?
Here is my current results. 9.4 Phase Angle
Measuring phase angle is one way of measuring hydration.
Without proper intracellular hydration, your health suffers. Dehydration raises your risk of disease and death. Simply drinking water is not enough.
Q. What is your cellular health score?
This was my score (80 good) last July 10 and my current score (90 Ideal) Sept 17.
My phase angle went from 6.7 (below average ) to 9.4 (Ideal) in a little over 2 months.
Q. What is Phase Angle?
What does PhA have to do with your overall health?
By tracking your PhA, you’ll be able to gain a more precise picture of your health because it examines cell integrity health and the amount of water inside them.
Based on established research findings, higher PhA values suggest greater cellular integrity and reflects better overall cell health. A low PhA, on the other hand, is highly predictive of decreased muscle strength, impaired quality of life, and increased mortality in old adults with cancer. Low phase angles tend to be consistent in individuals with malnutrition, HIV/AIDS infection, cancer (discussed in detail below), chronic alcoholism, and old age.
Special thanks to Cerulean for testing me today!
Q. Are you currently in pain?
Call me Now! 480-585-5454
Training my client Carine in Canada through FaceTime. I’m showing her how she can stretch her hip flexors and quads to help her overcome her . Using household props like a chair does the job.
One of the common dysfunction I see in middle age men is their lack of mobility in their midsection. They are not able to separate their upper body from their lower body due tightness in their obliques and quadratus lomborum or the muscles at the side of their bodies. This exercise is called the The Saw. Sit with your arms out to the side then twist to one side from your lower spine then flex over your knees without moving your lower body. Then do likewise on the other side.