Our website is currently down for rebuild until tomorrow afternoon. Drop ins welcome for our Open House Saturday 1/20/24 or call the studio between 9:30 am and 1 pm at 480-625-3900 for information on our Open House. No need to register, just come in. Class Packages can be purchased in person, over the phone or email [email protected] or on Mindbody
Dance Fusion
7601 E Gray Rd Suite B Scottsdale AZ 85260
Free classes on 1/20/24 for adults/teen and youth.
Tap 8:45 am beginning, 9:30 am Beg/Int, 10:30 am Int,
Ballet 10:30 - noon beg/int.,
Hip Hop., noon ages 8-14 (7 ok), 1 pm Choreography teen/adult
Dance fusion 2024 open house (January 15th-20th) FREE WEEK of unlimited dance classes for all students who are new to a class or new to the studio.
Classes for Adults, Teens, and Youth!
All levels and ages of dancers are welcome!
Special discounted rates on classes, class packages, and memberships will be available for this week only!!