“I’ve been going to Beyond Strength for the past 6 years, and I can confidently say it’s the best gym in the area. Unlike other gyms, Beyond Strength focuses on strength, mobility, and endurance in a way that feels sustainable and energizing. This is NOT CrossFit—you won’t feel completely gassed out by the end of a session. Instead, you’ll walk out feeling stronger, refreshed, and more motivated for your day.
The programs written by Chris and Todd are exceptionally well-structured. They put so much thought into building workouts that not only challenge you but also help you build consistency and long-term progress. The emphasis on proper technique and mobility ensures that you stay injury-free while achieving your goals.
If you’re looking for a gym that prioritizes smart training, community, and results, Beyond Strength is the place to be! It has truly transformed the way I approach fitness, and I can’t recommend it enough.” - Jasmin Nirwal
You don’t need a secret training hack.
You don’t need a special supplement.
You just need to stop skipping Mondays.
“You have power over your mind – not outside events.” - Marcus Aurelius
You can’t control what we write on your training program, and you can’t control the truth that many of the workouts will make you seriously uncomfortable. Sometimes the discomfort is that of going slow. Other times it’s the very real burn in your legs and lungs. No matter the situation, all you can control is your response to it. You can lean into the discomfort and tell yourself that you’re fine. Or you can let it seep into your mind and overwhelm you. You have the power to manage it well.
You don’t train to live in the gym.
You train to unlock the strength, endurance, and mobility to say “yes” to the hard, meaningful things in life outside these walls.
What’s your next “yes”?
Happy Monday.
Your training doesn’t have to be complicated.
Simple works:
• Lift
• Carry
• Condition (run, row, bike, …)
Do the basics well, and they’ll take you further than you ever imagined.
Have you ever noticed how cold a barbell can be even in warm weather? Leaning on it, the knurling digs a little into your forearms while the steel contrasts the warmth of your skin. It always catches my attention. I’ve noticed that it feels even colder on days when I don’t feel like lifting. I had one of those days not long ago.
I raised the bar up to shoulder height in the squat rack at my friend Leann’s gym and put it on the J-hooks. The plan was to front squat — I’d planned three sets of five reps. I did not feel like doing a single rep. No one else was there; I could have easily bagged the workout, called it a day, and drove home. As I leaned against the bar, the cold of the steel made me think of mountains — frigid streams, frigid air, frigid snow. Thinking of mountains led me to think of my friend Rabetta and the sheep hunt she asked me to join her on this year. When she asked me, she said that I was the only friend she trusted to go with her. The weight of that statement fell on me, but not like a burden. It felt instead like an honor.
You are the only friend I trust enough…
I heard her say it again in my head as I stood there leaning against the squat bar. Then, I envisioned the mountains of Canada’s Northwest Territories. Dall sheep live high up in those mountains. It’s a long, hard walk to get into their country, and it’s just as hard to stay in that country with them. It takes a lot more than most people are willing to give, and I need even more than it takes.
Create excess.
I said it out loud to myself while leaning my head against the bar. It’s one of my core values. I wrote a statement to accompany it so that I know exactly what it means and how to live it out:
…train my mind and body to have huge reserves so people can count on me when the chips are down.
There is a lot that can, and does, go wrong in the mountains. The chips could fall at any time. And my friend trusts me.
I picked my head up off of the bar and walked to the weight tree to pull off two 45-pound plates. I slid one on each side of the bar and I started warming up.
My values overcame my inertia. I cared for myself in a way that allowed me to act as the person I know that I am — the truest form of self-care.
The Self-Care Lie Part 3: Crafting Your Values - Beyond Strength
Have you ever noticed how cold a barbell can be even in warm weather? Leaning on it, the knurling digs a little into your forearms while the steel contrasts the
Nobody owes you a thing—not results, not praise, not progress.
But the moment you stop waiting for it, you take control.
If your training were a movie, would you be the hero or the extra?
Heroes show up. Heroes do the work.
Be the hero in your story this week.
Happy Monday.
Excuses are like shadows.
They disappear the second you step into the light.
Imagine meeting the future version of yourself who didn’t quit when things got hard.
What would they say to you now?
Probably something like, “Keep going. You’re closer than you think.”
Want better results?
Stop looking for shortcuts.
Stop waiting for the perfect time.
Start taking consistent action.
Progress is simple: do the right things, often enough, for long enough.
Start today.
Setbacks will happen.
Life will throw you curveballs.
The question is—will you keep going, or will you quit?
Showing up, even when things get hard, is what separates those who achieve from those who don’t.
Be the person who keeps going.
People think confidence comes first.
Action comes first, then confidence grows.
Every time you say yes to a challenge, you build confidence in your ability to handle hard things.
What will you say yes to this week?
Happy Monday.
Would you receive a present and leave it wrapped?
Heck no, right? You’d open that puppy and be grateful for what you found inside.
Well, if you’re not using your training, it’s like getting a present and leaving it wrapped.
The results you get from training are a gift.
You unwrap them by using your body to take on challenges outside the gym.
That’s the full expression of gratitude for what you’ve trained your body to do.
Put some cool sh*t on the calendar this year and get after it!
Happy Monday.
It is our sincere wish that you take on the physical challenges in 2025 that help you grow in all aspects of your life. Happy New Year! Kick some ass in 2025.
It’s the final Monday of 2024. It’s time to BELIEVE you can do more in 2025.
What are you committing to in 2025?
If you don’t have anything on the calendar that fills that tummy of yours with butterflies, it’s time to fill in some dates with some hard s**t you plan to do.
Commitments make training decisions easy. You know you have to do the work or you’ll get your ass kicked.
They also narrow training priorities so you do the right work at the right time.
So, what’ll it be?
Take some time on this fine Monday to either get something inked on the calendar or to put some ideas down in pencil that you can ink on the calendar before 2025 gets too old.
Want a killer 2025? Start by asking yourself good questions before the end of 2024 👉🏻