’s Frank Kush Named to Pac-12 Hall of Honor - Arizona State University Athletics
Kush has also been elected to the College Football Hall of Fame, Peach Bowl Hall of Fame, Michigan State Hall of Fame, and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Lott Impact Trophy.
It’s back up!
The statue of the late, great Coach Frank Kush now sits about 10 yards closer to the SE entrance of Sun Devil Stadium.
The Kush family invites Sun Devil fans to a public viewing on Wednesday, July 5 for ASU and College Football Hall of Fame coach, Frank Kush, who passed away Thursday, June 22 at the age of 88. The viewing will take place at the All Saints Catholic Newman Center in Tempe from 5-9 p.m.
It is with great sadness that we announce Coach's passing. Please keep the Kush family in your thoughts & prayers. Please post your favorite picture of you & Frank in his memory.
Frank signing Raul Monreal's Jeep.
Frank Kush book signing going on now.
ASU football to open preseason camp at Tontozona
Over the past four years, Arizona State coach Todd Graham has wanted to open preseason fall practice at Camp Tontozona, but summer school always presented a problem.
Now on Amazon...
Frank Kush The Incredible Life Story of A Coaching Legend In His Own Words
Frank Kush tells the story of his entire life in his own words. This is the real story of how Frank Kush became a true coaching legend, who's presence and influence continues to resonate with the ASU football program in a positive way to this day.
Recently released...
Frank Kush
The Incredible Life Story of A Coaching Legend In His Own Words
Order your copy now at www.frankkushbook.com