


Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Vans, Sportswear Store, Shop 618, 6/F. , Langham Place, 8 Arygle Street, Mongkok, Kln (*Franchise Store/VIP promotions not applicable), Mong Kok.

Operating as usual

Photos from Vans's post 12/06/2024

Always pushing the needle forward, ’s commitment to progression in skateboarding continues with the AVE 2.0.
No-sew RAPIDWELD construction combined with UltimateWaffle cupsole delivers unmatched protection and grip for the heaviest of sessions.

Photos from Vans's post 12/06/2024

始終挑戰極限, 推出 AVE 2.0。采用無縫RAPIDWELD結構和UltimateWaffle杯底,為極限滑板提供無與倫比的保護和抓地力

Always pushing the needle forward, ’s commitment to
progression in skateboarding continues with the AVE 2.0.
No-sew RAPIDWELD construction combined with
UltimateWaffle cupsole delivers unmatched protection and
grip for the heaviest of sessions.

Photos from Vans's post 23/05/2024

萬眾矚目!OTW by Vans 與設計大師 Imran Potato攜手打造全新力作——Knu Skool MTE。將Imran的創意與滑雪熱情完美融合,加上對經典90年代風格的致敬,這款Knu Skool MTE(為各種環境而生)細節驚艷,鞋舌滿身「肌肉感」、3D側條紋栩栩如生,配以頂級防水麂皮鞋面和有力外底紋路。這不僅是一雙鞋,更是極致風格的象徵。不容錯過,盡在Vans!

Pumped up. OTW by Vans has worked with designer Imran Potato to create the Knu Skool
MTE. Combining Imran’s creative identity in subverting humor with his passion for snowboarding, and deep reverence for the classic ‘90s silhouette — the Knu Skool MTE
(made for the elements) features exaggerated details in an overstuffed gusseted tongue and puffy 3D molded Sidestripe™️ paired with premium watertight suede uppers and lugged outsole treads.


Photos from Vans's post 16/05/2024


Something majestic has arrived
What’s your pick, ladies?

Photos from Vans's post 08/05/2024

經典演繹再現,Knu Skool以大膽的視角重新詮釋標誌性的Old Skool側條紋

Evolving a classic, the Knu Skool takes a bold new
perspective on the iconic Old Skool sidestripe.


滑板鞋AVE 2.0活動巡迴展示了VANS的尖端技術,將於上海和首爾舉行。

活動巡迴展覽“AVE 2.0:致力於進步之旅”始於美國洛杉磯,以紀念傳奇滑手@TAG的第二款獨家簽名鞋款“AVE 2.0”的發佈,前幾天宣布,這次“AVE 2.0”活動巡迴展將於2024年5月11日(星期六)在中國上海舉行,並於隔周的5月18日在韓國首爾舉行。


Skate Shoes AVE 2.0 event tour that brings together VANS’ cutting-edge technology will be held in Shanghai and Seoul.

The event tour “AVE 2.0: COMMITMENT TO PROGRESSION TOUR” started from LA, USA to commemorate the release of legendary skater ’s second signature model “AVE 2.0” announced the other day, the “AVE 2.0” event tour will be held in Shanghai, China on May 11, 2024 (Sat) in Seoul, Korea on May 18, the following week.

This is a one-day-only opportunity to experience VANS culture in full swing that combines skateboarding, art, and community.

Photos from Vans's post 06/05/2024

與Paris Texas一同在Knu Skool世界狂歡!感受潮流與個性的完美融合。

Kickin’ It with Paris Texas in the Knu Skool

Photos from Vans's post 03/05/2024

Old Meets
Knu with

The freedom to style how you see fit. Old Meets
Knu with

Photos from Vans's post 15/04/2024

獨特風格與無畏態度的匯聚,引領了Knu Skool的誕生

Authentic style and a fearless attitude inspire the Knu Skool.

Photos from Vans's post 11/04/2024

Two trailblazing riders who continue to live Off The Wall. Tony Alva and Breana Geering are Old meets Knu

Old Meets Knu

Photos from Vans's post 29/03/2024

AVE 2.0 不僅是一雙滑板鞋
快踏上 AVE 2.0,與 繼續迎接挑戰

Photos from Vans's post 30/01/2024

當龍年之魂注入 Off The Wall 精神 👀�

龍年限定棒球外套:HK$ 1390 🔥

Channeling the spirit of the Lunar New Year with Off The Wall attitude 👀
Get a head start on festive fits this year of the dragon! 🐉

Lunar New Year baseball jacket: HK$ 1390 🔥

Photos from Vans's post 27/01/2024

高端支線 Tokyo Design Collective 再度回歸! 日系質感、美學以及極致工藝盡在今次 ʙʟᴏᴄᴋ ʙʏ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋ 系列 🏁

🔥 教練外套、拉鍊衛衣、工裝褲完美演繹街頭風格
🟢 精選 Cordura® 品料搭配百搭易襯大地色系
🏁 Vans 刺繡品牌細節滿載細節質感

Tokyo Design Collective is making a comeback! Experience the essence of Japanese aesthetics and exquisite craftsmanship in the new ʙʟᴏᴄᴋ ʙʏ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋ capsule. 

🔥 Coach jackets, full zip hoodies, and woven pants perfectly embody street style.
🟢 Cordura® fabric paired with versatile earth tones.
🏁 Vans stitch embroidery showcases intricate details and texture.

Photos from Vans's post 22/01/2024

新鮮滾熱辣嘅 Sport Low 翻嚟啦,完美復刻 Vans 90 年代經典鞋款 🏁
認住呢條最 iconic 嘅V 字 Sidestripe之餘,仲點少得經典 Waffle 鞋底!

The fresh ’n fiery Sport Low is back, flawlessly bringing back our iconic ‘90s silhouette! 🏁
Spot the heritage V Sidestripe and classic waffle outsoles for certified retro appeal! 🧇

Photos from Vans's post 15/01/2024

龍年限定 Rowley XLT DRAGON 搶閘登場!

千禧年代風靡一時嘅經典板鞋,迎來龍年限定嘅全新配色 🔥

🟢 綠色後踭 【XLT】細節
🔵 藍色破爛感鞋帶
🔴 紅色三角紋理點綴 Sidestripe 網店限量登場,萬勿錯過 >>

Photos from Vans's post 12/01/2024

繼續怪力全開!Vans x THE MONSTERS 除咗三對重點鞋款之外仲有主打嘅服飾系列👀

紅藍棒球外套兩色齊發,同 Labubu 一齊演繹街頭風格 🛹
連帽衛衣+開胸冷衫將 嘅畫功完美移植到服飾單品,有 Labubu 加持嘅 Off The Wall Logo,絕對不容錯過!🏁
最後仲有最襯三對鞋款嘅精選襪子 ✨

完整系列 >>


一對 Knu Stack 踩勻紐約 🇺🇸 你嘅下個目的地又會去邊?✈️

Rocking the Knu Stack in New York 🇺🇸 What's the next spot on your travel list? ✈️


Photos from Vans's post 08/01/2024

𝗦𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗪𝗔𝗟𝗞 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗻’ 🏁� 今季迎來秋冬限定嘅街頭衛衣、運動褲同埋兩色 Half Cab,完美演繹 Winter Lifestyle ❄️ & Vans Store 現已上架,過嚟火速入手啦!

過個暖冬 >>


終於等到啦!係時候一齊展開最 Off The Wall 嘅街頭大冒險,Vans x THE MONSTER 聯乘系列明日正式登場!🏁

商品販售+限量公仔活動地點 📍
Vans 尖沙咀 LCX 專門店
Vans 屯門市廣場專門店
Vans 沙田新城市廣場專門店
Vans 九龍灣德福廣場專門店
Vans 銅鑼灣時代廣場專門店
Vans 銅鑼灣希慎廣場專門店

🔍*詳細條款及細則請到 IG 主頁連結處及 Story Highlight 瀏覽*

Photos from Vans's post 02/01/2024

新一年同大家搶先睇吓怪力全開嘅 Vans x THE MONSTERS 聯乘系列 👀
1月5號正式登場,係時候諗定要入手咩精選 items 啦!

三對主打 LABUBU 鞋款 🏁
Sk8-Mid:HK$ 899
Style 36 : HK$ 859
Era : HK $699

服飾單品 ✨
紅色棒球外套:HK$ 1590
藍色棒球外套:HK$ 1590
連帽衛衣:HK$ 690
開胸冷衫:HK$ 720
長襪:HK$ 80

Photos from Vans's post 29/12/2023

「IAB OFF THE WALL」全新聯乘系列首次亮相,鞋身用上韓國街牌 嘅招牌配色,帶來不一樣嘅 Half Cab! 網店限量發售中,萬勿錯過!

⚪️🟡🔴🔵 >>

Photos from Vans's post 27/12/2023

環保技術 x 舒適腳感,重塑經典街頭風格。

既環保又舒適嘅 VR3 系列載譽歸來,搭載我地最舒服嘅 VR3 鞋墊,注入植物泡棉嘅 VR3Cush 提供軟綿綿腳感;外觀依然保持 Vans 經典風格,鞋身加鞋帶揉合環保物料製成,更輕盈、更舒服!

立即上腳試試 >>

Photos from Vans's post 26/12/2023

怪得嚟有格!準備好同 LABUBU 一齊怪力全開!👊🏻
Vans x THE MONSTERS 聯乘系列即將登場 🔥🏁

🗓 2024年1月5日(五) 於以下 Vans 門市以及 Vans 香港官方網站正式販售
- Vans 尖沙咀 LCX 專門店
- Vans 屯門市廣場專門店
- Vans 沙田新城市廣場專門店
- Vans 九龍灣德福廣場專門店
- Vans 銅鑼灣時代廣場專門店
- Vans 銅鑼灣希慎廣場專門店

📌 於上列專門店單筆消費滿 $1,500 ,並且包含 Vans x THE MONSTERS 聯乘系列中的任一商品,即可獲得限量 Zimomo SBA Old Skool 公仔 一隻(數量有限,送完為止)

*消費只限於以上指定 Vans 門市*

*成功獲得 Zimomo SBA Old Skool 領取資格者,門市將發換領卡之後到店領取,換領開始日期為 2024年1月26日*
* 公仔數量有限,先買先得,送完為止,售罄將不作另行通知*

🔍*詳細條款及細則請到 IG 主頁連結處及 Story Highlight 瀏覽*
👀*購物前請務必閱讀條款及細則,如有任何爭議,Vans 香港與 HOW2WORK 將保留最終決定權*


Vans x NEIGHBORHOOD 聯乘再度來襲,黑白兩色齊發,重塑 Sk8-Mid 經典版型再搭載 NBHD 品牌細節。 Vans LCX Store 以及網店今日限定開售!

The Vans x NEIGHBORHOOD collaboration strikes again in black and white colorways, reinventing the classic Sk8-Mid silhouette with NBHD’s details. Launching today exclusively at Vans LCX Store and online!

Photos from Vans's post 15/12/2023

注入節日之魂嘅 Plaid Knu Skool,冬日穿搭必備,係時候襯定年尾派對嘅 Outfit 啦!🎄✨

The holiday-spirited Plaid Knu Skool is a winter wardrobe essential, perfect for new year parties or holiday ensembles! 🎄✨

Photos from Vans's post 14/12/2023

佳節將近,又係買禮物嘅時候啦!等我地為大家搜羅一系列最 Off The Wall 又最有節日氣氛嘅單品,送禮定係自用都一流 👀 即到 & Vans Store 入手啦!

紅黑 Plaid Knu Skool,連 Sidestripe 都轉埋顏色,夠晒節日氣氛 🎄
Checkerboard 冷衫背心,最適合去派對嘅層次穿搭 🏁
Low Key 粉紅背囊,用嚟袋好禮物就最啱啦 🎒 ��

節日 Knu Skool >>
聖誕綠色冷背心 >>
紫色格仔 Slip-On >>
粉紅背囊 >>
型格冷帽 >>

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Shop 618, 6/F. , Langham Place, 8 Arygle Street, Mongkok, Kln (*Franchise Store/VIP Promotions Not Applicable)
Mong Kok
Other Sportswear Stores in Mong Kok (show all)
Dahood Dahood
GF, 45 Fa Yuen Street
Mong Kok


Vans Vans
G/F. , 11 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok (*Franchise Store/VIP Promotions Not Applicable)
Mong Kok, 00000

The North Face Hong Kong The North Face Hong Kong
旺角朗豪坊7樓13, 15, 16號舖
Mong Kok

Vans Vans
G/F. , 102 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok (*Franchise Store/VIP Promotions Not Applicable)
Mong Kok, 00000

Football Kingdom 足球皇朝 Football Kingdom 足球皇朝
Mong Kok

足球皇朝成立於2006年11月,之前是香港少數於新界區的小型球衣專賣店。 現