Nuestra pagina fue creada para ustedes Con el fin de q puedan apreciar y disfrutar obras de El Orfanato, Arte e inspiración para ustedes.Gracias! Our page was created for you so that you can appreciate and enjoy works of El Orfanato, Art and inspiration
洪拳學社 Hung Kuen Academy Hong Kong Traditional Hung Gar
TEAM Aplus COACHING 為對象3歲up的小學員制定一套「學與樂」的playgroup 訓練。同時亦都有主打俾兒童同埋青少年能夠發展所長嘅田徑訓練班
We are the only one directly under the name of Master CHIU WAI . 本會是唯一組織直屬趙威?
創會超過17年, 曾培訓香港游泳代表隊成員及超過30位中小學學界游泳冠軍, 致力以專業的知識推廣游泳運動,並透過正面的教學方法讓小朋友從愉快中學習游泳
🏟️ The Official Account Of SFLALLBLACKFC⚽️ ⌛️SINCE 2015⏳
教授:白眉拳術,傳統及樁陣獅藝 承接:各行業商鋪開張龍獅麒麟助慶,賀誕醒獅參拜及社團宴會醒獅助慶,農曆新年醒獅表演等⋯ 聯絡本會電話: 66539238 電郵:[email protected]
In this game of Rugby, size does matter. Taking on the name "GAI WU" was significant for the All Asians in that it was a Mah-Jong term, meaning to win, though with a lower hand of cards, thus upsetting potentially big winners by preempting their next move
Welcome to the Hong Kong City Rugby page! We are one of the Hong Kong Rugby Clubs proactiv
Hong Kong 1st Division Football League (2015-2016 Season) 香港甲組足球聯賽球隊 (2016-2017?
Domain FC Sport Association was found in 3 Aug 2013. All of our players are teenagers aged 15-21 yea
The Hong Kong Men's Lacrosse team is always preparing to compete at all APLU, World Lacrosse qualify
Hapkido Taekwondo kumdo training at sheung wan sport center Hongkong at 19.00
推廣香港氣槍 IPSC 運動,本會提供場地及訓練班給有興趣之人仕,作為一個享受射擊樂趣的園地。同時提供氣槍 IPSC 初級證書課程給首次接觸此運動的男女朋友。 IPSC Action Air 氣槍實用射擊
Team announcements / Scores / Fixtures & Results / Photos will be published on this page.
Located at Discovery Bay Tai Pak Beach, Lantau Island Hong Kong, Lantau Boat Club offers sailing, PADDLING & rowing. We are committed to paddling. All paddlers are very welcome to our section!
Beginner/intermediate trail running club based in Hong Kong. Visit #tgrrun #top10
動亞單車隊 -在2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣創立🚴🏻♀️🚴🏻🚴🏻♂️ -總教練資格:國際單車聯盟(UCI)三級教練🌈 -至今多名隊員成為香港隊🇭🇰 -更在場地亞洲盃獲得金牌🏆🥇 -本會致力推動公路及場地單車訓練和比賽🔥💪🏻 -歡迎有志向比賽和港隊為目標人士加入🙌🏻🥳 -香港單車總會屬會🇭🇰🚴🏻♂️
Elite Sports Club