We offer group & private training in: -Jeet Kune Do-Wing Chun-Kickboxing-Physical Education-
Self Defense & Fitness for the real world. Home of New World Krav Maga.
A Fun, Safe, and Positive Environment. This is Where Champions Train. Build confidence, respect, and
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and mixed martial arts training from Southwest Florida's only 6th degree black belt and THE ONLY IBJJF BLACK BELT WORLD CHAMPION , Marcelo Pereira.
Kuk Sool Won-most complete martial arts- group and private instruction-for self preservation(health, protection), and sports training!
The Best of the Traditional East in the Wild West! Voted top 20 school in USA for several years. Teaches Sh*to Ryu Karate, Kobudo & Iaido. We offer After School Program, Virtual Learning, Outdoor Classes and more!
Training in Olympic Style Judo
A Law Enforcement based self-defense system that is simple to do, requires little time and training
Instruction in southern Bagua, Aikido, Samurai Jujutsu, Kendo, and Chinese weapons including 3-sectional staff.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school founded in historic Fort Myers, Fl
"Kombatan Florida - Filipino Martial Arts school" is the Facebook group for the Florida chapter host
We are a small, family-oriented karate dojo teaching traditional Okinawan karate-do. We offer small
Martial Arts Gym teaching students the crafts of Boxing, Muay Thai, and grappling
Karate do ,MMA ,Kick boxing ,taeboxing, jiu-jitsu , BootCamp y Personal trainer
Men, women and children develop strength in the body, honesty in the heart and true mental confidence
Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA gym,
Taekwondo Training - American Taekwondo Association, Self Defense, Fitness Training
Martial Arts School, Krav Maga, Fitness for Ages 4 through Adult
Kurokawa Martial Arts (Teru Dojo) features Traditional Sh*toryu Karate, Kobudo, Iaido and Tournamen