Sports & Recreation Venues in Hong Kong - Page 1

Find Sports & Recreation Venues in Hong Kong. Listings include Ryze, 浪高長岸 Long Coast Seasports - Cheung Sha beach, BULA LAND, Phoenix Dart, 洺城會 Ming Snooker Club and HKFC Rugby. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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Ryze A Ryze
3/F, Kodak House Phase 1, 321 Java Road
Hong Kong

RYZE to new heights at Hong Kong’s first extreme indoor sports park! With 2 floors of jumping, zipping and flying, the fun never stops!

浪高長岸 Long Coast Seasports - Cheung Sha beach B 浪高長岸 Long Coast Seasports - Cheung Sha beach
29下長沙泳灘 (大嶼山)
Hong Kong

大嶼山的浪高長岸可能是全港唯一兼擁如畫般風光,以及最便捷交通的臨海度假樂土。"You can do it all, or do nothing at all."

香港新界沙頭角塘肚村DD41 LOT438 (沙頭角農莊對面馬路)
Hong Kong

We are BULA ! 「Bula」是斐濟文,代表幸福快樂 亦可用打招呼之用(即Aloha) 我們希望來到訪BULA的人 都能找到快樂,都能感到幸福 來參與不同活動 一齊來chill下啦!

Phoenix Dart D Phoenix Dart
Rm 1718, New Commerce Centre, 19 On Sum Street, Shatin
Hong Kong

Phoenix Dart -- 電子飛鏢機 VSPhoenix

洺城會 Ming Snooker Club E 洺城會 Ming Snooker Club
Hong Kong, 000

英式桌球室 Snooker Club

HKFC Rugby F HKFC Rugby
Hong Kong Football Club, 3 Sports Road, Happy Valley
Hong Kong

For past, current and future HKFC rugby members and their families/friends to know the latest news,

Hong Kong

RHKYC - Rowing and Paddling H RHKYC - Rowing and Paddling
28 Hung Hing Road
Hong Kong, 0000

The Rowing Section manages three key rowing and paddle sports supported by the Club.

BB Darts I BB Darts
旺角太子道西108-118號康齡大廈二樓I室 (太子站C2出口)
Hong Kong

早操優惠 下午2點-6點 $100 全日優惠 $150 貓頭鷹 晚上10點-2點 $100 任何時段二小時 $80 任何時段一小時 $50,另設包埸服務

HKPA Camp 香港遊樂場協會 營舍部 J HKPA Camp 香港遊樂場協會 營舍部
30 Tung Wan Tau Road, Mui Wo, Lantau Island
Hong Kong


Fencing Arena 劍坊 K Fencing Arena 劍坊
Room220-225, Kin Wing Commercial Building, No. 24-30 Kin Wing Street, Tuen Mun
Hong Kong

Fencing club from Tuen Mun offers fencing courses from beginners to athletes HKMOL2022 年度最優秀專業劍擊教育中心

巨星桌球 九龍城 Super Star Snooker L 巨星桌球 九龍城 Super Star Snooker
Hong Kong

Kowloon City licensed snooker club 九龍城持牌桌球室

香港一銘體育 M 香港一銘體育
荔枝角永康街63號Global Gateway Tower 13樓1304-1305室
Hong Kong

總教練:劉榮海(前中國國家乒乓球隊隊員) 主教練:劉麒(前香港乒乓球代表隊隊員) 主教練:李芃(前葡萄牙隊主力成員) 一銘體育於2017年成立,致力於積極推動本港乒乓球專項運動,提升本地球員表現及水平!為學校建立及組織學校乒乓球隊,透過“學習、鍛煉、提升”過程體驗,培養學生的堅毅意志,讓學生發掘個人潛能和認識自我能力,提升自信。

ShanThi.yogahk N ShanThi.yogahk
屯門杯渡路99號99Commons 809
Hong Kong

屯門瑜伽 | 空中瑜伽 | 地面瑜伽 | Tuenmun Yoga 特色課堂:痛症治療瑜伽/頌缽瑜伽/空中頌缽伸展/臉部瑜伽/背部護理瑜伽 試堂優惠:$215任選兩堂 香港戶外瑜伽 @shanthi.outdooryoga ⇩Link:預約試堂/租場/購買套票 Whatsapp:60799520

Tact Zone O Tact Zone
321 Java Road
Hong Kong

RRClub Yoga P RRClub Yoga
Hong Kong

RRClub Yoga �屯門第一間印度碩士專業瑜伽中心(YTTC教牌) �所有印度瑜伽老師超過十二年教學經驗(中英文授課)

海龍桌球會 App Q 海龍桌球會 App
Hong Kong

Lessness・一 息 間 R Lessness・一 息 間
Lai Chi Kok
Hong Kong

🤍生命就在呼吸之間 專注呼吸,回歸當下 𝕃𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝕄𝚘𝚛𝚎🧘🏽‍♀️

Focus Production S Focus Production
Hong Kong, 00000

Focus Production - A Professional High Angle & Rigging Operations Services Provider Focus Production - 專業高角度工程服務

美孚室內草地滾球中心 Mei Foo Indoor Lawn Bowls Centre T 美孚室內草地滾球中心 Mei Foo Indoor Lawn Bowls Centre
1st Floor, Phase 4 Shopping Mall, 69-119 Broadway Street, Mei Foo Sun Chuen
Hong Kong

Fitness With Ivy U Fitness With Ivy
彩虹道212號 THE BURROW 20樓 01室 (鑽石山A2出口步行3分鐘)
Hong Kong

🔸️Pilates & Yoga 教室 🔸️新蒲崗全新甲級商廈(️鑽石山站A2出口3分鐘) 🔸️環境舒適優美 🔸️電子報班系統,絕不硬銷 🔗自助報班: 📲

Nightglow Studio V Nightglow Studio
Hong Kong

Nightglow Studio located in Causeway Bay, providing private rental service and various yoga classes.

乒苗學園 Seedling Table Tennis School W 乒苗學園 Seedling Table Tennis School
Hong Kong

Choros Studio X Choros Studio
Hong Kong

Dance studio for dancing, yoga, stretching and artistic purposes

Family Darts Y Family Darts
Room 215, 2/F, Fast Industrial Building, 658 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan
Hong Kong

🎯飛鏢道場|🛍️飛鏢用品零售 📍青山道658號福至工業大廈215室 (荔枝角B1出口步行5分鐘)

Room Ganesha Studio Z Room Ganesha Studio
Hong Kong

Pose Square 1 Pose Square
Hong Kong

場地租用:瑜伽、跳舞、活動教室 地址: 觀塘鴻圖道 歡迎whatsapp查詢: 92739078

Dreamerland 2 Dreamerland
Hong Kong, 00000


Jollymap Hub 3 Jollymap Hub
Hong Kong, 00000

蘇豪Snap FishingClub 4 蘇豪Snap FishingClub
Sam Mun Tsai Road
Hong Kong, HK

蘇豪休閒釣魚場位於大埔三門仔。 我們提供舒適環境,讓您感受釣魚所帶來的樂趣。 歡迎透過致電, Facebook, Whatsapp查詢及預約。

Family Market - SDC 汽車活動中心 5 Family Market - SDC 汽車活動中心
Hong Kong

-舉辦各類汽車活 SDC G9C -汽車活動中心 -日式便利店主題打卡點 -車聚好去處

Hong Kong Rowing Coastal 6 Hong Kong Rowing Coastal
27 Yuen Wo Road, Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong

Welcome to the official page for Coastal Hong Kong Rowing, the Hong Kong region governing body of the sport of rowing. The page is managed by Hong Kong, China Rowing Association.

SBC Skateshop 7 SBC Skateshop
Hong Kong

SBC is an independent skateboarding crew based in Hong Kong, having a shop in Fanling (near the skatepark) and in Yau Ma Tei (X game street).

Football Temples 睇波朝聖 8 Football Temples 睇波朝聖
Hong Kong, <>

英超、西甲、意甲及歐洲各大聯賽波飛。重諗?去啦!歡迎查詢。 Match ticket

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