A Filipino community in Sai Kung who come together to achieve any particular purpose or goal and that too for a limited period of time.
Member of the Hong Kong Olympic Committee 香港奧林匹克委會成員 The sole recognized hockey organization in Hong Kong 香港唯一認可的曲棍球運動機構 Member of the International Hockey Federation (FIH) 國際曲棍球聯合會(FIH)會員
▶️ The @konterfootball_club Academy 🔶Participating in the HKPYL 🔝U8/U10/U12/U14/U16/U18/Senior Team
香港甲組足球聯賽冠軍🏆2022-2023 香港足總盃冠軍🏆(初級組)2022-2023 中西區足球會以好球技好球品方向發展,讓年青一代透過足球運動踢出未來為社會帶來正能量!
2005年成立🤺新蒲崗總校及將軍澳分校 技術總監:教練 張小倫 Cheung Siu Lun 教練團隊曾參與: 奧運會、亞運會、世錦賽、亞錦賽等 前香港隊教練🇭🇰 亞青賽冠軍、國際裁判 為大眾提供專業劍擊訓練! 👨👩👧👦歡迎任何年齡人士參加 ☎️即時WhatsApp查詢: https://wa.me/message/JWJWYC32WAJCP1
胡氏跆拳道葉sir 恆安/馬鞍山跆拳道🥋 🇭🇰 Hong Kong Taekwondo Team 🇭🇰 現役香港少年隊教練 歡迎任何機構,學校合作🏫 專業跆拳道,培養運動員,讓小朋友挑戰自己,從中建立自信,學習堅持、學習謙虛。 地址:恆安商場320號
由香振強領軍。 將基礎課程融入精英隊之教學模式,統一教學體系,可讓學員由基礎到進階,甚至專業的訓練。以 @hkballa 的籃球理念及多年經驗,培育出新一代的香港代表隊。
⚡️Master Chow Chin Ching 🌏3000+ Students - TaiChi & KungFu Classes 👨🏫Invited To Teach: Tottenham Hotspurs、Audi World Champion Driver、Chanel、HSBC、Adidas… 📸 BBC、SCMP、9NOW TV…
This is the official page of the Hong Kong China Korfball Association (HKCKA)
every nationality are heartly welcome in to the unity taekwondo academy. where we are run classes in friendly plus serious atmosphere.
GV Motorsports, delivering top-tier motorsport solutions exclusively tailored for young individuals. A chance to start motorsports at a young age. | Driver Development • Racing Consultant | Team Principal - Chester Lam
Official page of Cricket Hong Kong, China, the National Governing Body for cricket in Hong Kong, China 中國香港板球總會官方專頁
We are a Historical European Martial Arts club in Hong Kong. We do longsword, sidesword, rapier & etc
🤸♀️藝術體操學院 |由前港隊精英運動員兼國際FIG教練及裁判親自教授 |🏆提供一系列幼兒 基礎及比賽訓練課程 🥇參與本地及國際公開賽事
UPTO-HK is the first Filipino Taekwondo Organization in Hong Kong founded June 22, 2012.