Sports Events in Hong Kong - Page 1

Find Sports Events in Hong Kong. Listings include East Asia Super League, Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong, Slamtalk 籃Team說地, Translantau By UTMB, RunnerReg and Soul of the NBA 籃球魂. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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East Asia Super League A East Asia Super League
Hong Kong

EASL is the champions league of professional basketball in East Asia. 🏆

Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong B Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong
Hong Kong


Slamtalk 籃Team說地 C Slamtalk 籃Team說地
Hong Kong

籃球媒體/志願組織。為推動籃球運動及分享有關資訊之單位。 另設SLAMTALK NBA討論區(香港)供香港球迷高談闊論。 還有製作網上籃球電視節目及舉辦籃球活動。 歡迎不同團體合作。

Translantau By UTMB D Translantau By UTMB
Mui Wo
Hong Kong

TransLantau by UTMB takes place on the untamed Lantau Island in the captivating city of Hong Kong.

RunnerReg E RunnerReg
Hong Kong

RunnerReg is a sports event registration platform for road and trail running enthusiasts. We host race registrations, adventure challenges and more. Use the event filter to find exactly what you’re running for. Happy Trails! Visit

Soul of the NBA 籃球魂 F Soul of the NBA 籃球魂
Hong Kong

Soul of the NBA是由一群熱愛籃球,喜愛NBA球衣既香港人成立。 希望可以透過此

The 9 Dragons G The 9 Dragons
Hong Kong, HK

The hardest races under 100 miles in Hong Kong. Two stunning routes through the New Territories. 2

Flow Academy H Flow Academy
Main Dam, Plover Cove, Ting Kok, Tai Mei Tuk
Hong Kong, 852

源衡學院 Flow Academy ▫️ 全新水上及戶外活動中心 ▫️ 全方位證書課程及體驗服務 ▫️ 全天候團體及學校包班接待 重新定義:文化|體育|旅遊 重新探索:大埔/吐露港/船灣/大美督/印洲塘 重新感受:親水知源·衡久致遠 🌊 Feeling Life On Water 🌊

場地單車世界錦標賽 2017 UCI Track Cycling World Championships I 場地單車世界錦標賽 2017 UCI Track Cycling World Championships
Hong Kong Velodrome
Hong Kong


起飛吧!體育狂迷 J 起飛吧!體育狂迷
Hong Kong

人生要活得精彩,就要擁有畢生難忘的回憶! 只要你想,我地就幫到你!

Rolex China Sea Race K Rolex China Sea Race
RHKYC, Kellett Island
Hong Kong

An undisputed Asian blue-water classic which has drawn the attention of the international yachting f

4TUL Ultra race L 4TUL Ultra race
Hong Kong

4 Trails Ultra Loop, aka 4TUL, is a race of doing a 189km loop covering 4 major Hong Kong trails. Race Date : 2nd March 2025 (Sunday) 27km/45km Registration is open

HKAHC Invitational Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament 香港業餘冰球會冰球邀請賽 M HKAHC Invitational Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament 香港業餘冰球會冰球邀請賽
LOHAS Rink, Shop Unit 206-210, The LOHAS
Hong Kong, 852

香港特殊奧運會 Special Olympics Hong Kong N 香港特殊奧運會 Special Olympics Hong Kong
Unit No. 2, Lower Ground Floor, Lek Yuen Commuity Hall, Shatin, N. T
Hong Kong


高慶出馬 O 高慶出馬
Hong Kong

-商業電台雷霆881賽馬直播節目「一馬當先」主持 -香港賽馬會越洋直播賽事、「海外賽事攻略」、「聽日有馬跑」客席主持 -曾為多份馬經撰文,現於「節節領先」撰寫專欄「高談闊論」 -副業:貓奴

The World Dancer Performing Arts Federation P The World Dancer Performing Arts Federation
81-85A 寶其利街
Hong Kong, 0000

We are a dynamic and energetic dance federation providing dance services to the community, specialist in Dancesport- Latin Dance . we focus on training young students from beginners to advance.

Hong Kong Race Week Q Hong Kong Race Week
Hong Kong

Hong Kong Race Week - 2023

All Girls International Rugby Sevens R All Girls International Rugby Sevens
Kings Park Sports Ground
Hong Kong

The world's largest girls' age-grade rugby tournament

The Peak Hunter Foundation S The Peak Hunter Foundation
Hong Kong, 0000

#即使世界係有盡頭但跑可以無盡 #用無盡跑的模式可以跑到世界盡頭 #跑無?

Nowtv  新裝/續約優惠 英超足球月費計劃 98485577Zoey T Nowtv 新裝/續約優惠 英超足球月費計劃 98485577Zoey
Hong Kong

NowTV優惠月費計劃、 NowTV續約~ NowTV新裝或舊客月費優惠,歡迎查詢NowTV - Zoe

Y2Y Orienteering U Y2Y Orienteering
Hong Kong

Y2Y brings orienteering to a new level

毅和籃球 V 毅和籃球
旺角, 好景中心
Hong Kong


ActionHouse International W ActionHouse International
Room 1101-02, 11/F, Wanchai Commercial Centre, 194 Johnston Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong, 852

ActionHouse is an award-winning sports and lifestyle PR and marketing agency that specializes in helping organizations amplify their brand messages, organize events, build reputation and ultimately, achieve sales.

Hong Kong Shooto Association 香港修斗協會 X Hong Kong Shooto Association 香港修斗協會
2/F, Tung Wai Building, 227-229 Tung Choi Street, Mongkok
Hong Kong, 852

Hong Kong Shooto Association is authorised by Japan Shooto Association, the only official Shooto (Pro/ Amateur) event organiser in Hong Kong

ZERO 1 Sports Management & Consulting 競毅運動管理顧問 Y ZERO 1 Sports Management & Consulting 競毅運動管理顧問
Hong Kong

「ZERO 1 競毅運動管理顧問」可為不同專業團體、私人機構及其他政府部門提供以下服務範疇: • 專業顧問諮詢服務 • 大型活動及比賽統籌 • 訂製專屬運動訓練課程 • 策劃本地及海外運動

Asian Cup Canoe Competition, Hong Kong Z Asian Cup Canoe Competition, Hong Kong
Hong Kong, 852

Asian Cup Canoe Racing Competitions

Space Tunnel Run 1 Space Tunnel Run
Hong Kong

The race passes through "Space Tunnel", & running up & down 4 mountains in one go in Yuen Long ! Race Date : 30th March 2025 (Sunday) 14km/26km Registration is now open

HYROX Hongkong 2 HYROX Hongkong
Hong Kong

Welcome to the Official HYROX HK The fitness race for Every Body

Fat Mak Trail Race 3 Fat Mak Trail Race
Hong Kong

A trail running race inspired by a big rock called "Fat Mak Rock (肥佬麥)" in the route. Race Date : 16th March 2025 (Sunday) 14km/35km Registration is now open Registration:

韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club) 4 韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club)
Hong Kong

韋根香港球迷會(Wigan Athletic Hong Kong Fans Club) 韋根官方page肯定的香港球迷會

大澳小龍錦標賽 5 大澳小龍錦標賽
Hong Kong

駿義龍體育會主辦 10人小龍賽事 路程200米直道

Hong Kong Photog 6 Hong Kong Photog
Hong Kong

記錄香港的體育及各類活動,如有活動資訊或合作方案,請與我們聯絡 Record sports and various activities in Hong Kong. If you have event information or cooperation plans, please contact us email : [email protected]

Pride Run Hong Kong 7 Pride Run Hong Kong
Hong Kong, <>

The second Pride Run Hong Kong will be held in Nov/Dec of 2024. Date to be announced shortly

Salomon Hong Kong Trail Series 8 Salomon Hong Kong Trail Series
1006-1013 Gala Place, 56 Dundas Street , Kowloon
Hong Kong

一系列備受期待的比賽將帶您穿越香港最具挑戰性和獨特的山徑,五場中短距離的高爬升比賽,考驗您的速度和技術。 各場比賽已準備了豐厚的禮品和獨享優惠,更可與各界高手競逐豐厚獎品。

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