Gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong - Page 2

Find gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong. Listings include Twentyonefitness-Holistic Harmony, PS fitness, BARRIE HO Architecture Interiors Ltd, 華星冰室, 藍天體育會 Blue Sky Sports Club and Kungfuronin. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

 Amateur Sports Leagues [12]  Amateur Sports Teams [147]  Archery [4]  Badminton Courts [5]  Baseball Fields [1]  Baseball Stadiums [2]  Basketball Courts [5]  Basketball Stadiums [2]  Batting Cages [7]  Bike Shops [94]  Bike Rentals [5]  Bowling alleys [2]  Boxing Studios [34]  Canoe & Kayak Rentals [10]  Coaches [187]  Cycling Studios [5]  Dance Schools [132]  Dance Studios [182]  Driving ranges [1]  Equestrian Centers [4]  Esports Leagues [6]  Esports Teams [19]  Fencing Clubs [18]  Fitness & Workouts [4]  Fitness Boot Camps [19]  Fitness Venues [3]  Flyboarding Centers [1]  Football Stadiums [14]  Go-karting [2]  Golf courses [12]  Golf Instructors [4]  Gun Ranges [7]  Gyms [787]  Gymnastics Centers [8]  Hang Gliding Centers [1]  Hockey Arenas [1]  Horseback Riding Centers [1]  Ice skating [4]  Kiteboarding Centers [4]  Martial Arts Schools [165]  Outdoor & Sporting Goods Companies [371]  Paintball [1]  Personal Trainers [129]  Pilates Studios [40]  Pool & Billiards [17]  Professional Sports Leagues [4]  Professional Sports Teams [16]  Rafting/Kayaking Centers [4]  Recreation Centers [28]  Rock climbing [33]  Rodeos [1]  Roller Skating Rinks [3]  School Sports Leagues [4]  School Sports Teams [19]  Scuba Diving [43]  Scuba Instructors [34]  Shooting/Hunting Ranges [1]  Skateboard Parks [4]  Ski & Snowboarding Schools [9]  Ski resorts [1]  Sky Diving [1]  Soccer Stadiums [3]  Sport & Recreation [769]  Sporting Goods Stores [132]  Sports [452]  Sports & Fitness Instruction [99]  Sports & Recreation Venues [39]  Sports Clubs [180]  Sports Events [125]  Sports Leagues [89]  Sports Promoters [8]  Sports Teams [233]  Sportswear Stores [130]  Sports Venues & Stadiums [79]  Swimming Instructors [41]  Swimwear Stores [18]  Tai Chi Studios [4]  Tennis [7]  Tennis Stadiums [1]  Track Stadiums [2]  Volleyball Courts [4]  Yoga & Pilates [332]
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Twentyonefitness-Holistic Harmony A Twentyonefitness-Holistic Harmony
Hong Kong

Fluid movement meets grounded grace with the twentyonefitness experience 🌊

PS fitness B PS fitness
Hong Kong

開心運動 減壓 有效果

BARRIE HO Architecture Interiors Ltd C BARRIE HO Architecture Interiors Ltd
19/F Wyndham Place, 44 Wyndham Street, Central
Hong Kong

Celebrating the continuous success of BARRIE HO Architecture Interiors Ltd in her 25th years.

華星冰室 D 華星冰室
7 Heard Street, Wan Chai 灣仔克街6號
Hong Kong

用心做好炒蛋、奶茶 1「灣仔克街」老店 2「筲箕灣東大街」 3「旺角西洋菜南街」 4「九龍灣國際展貿中心」 5「大埔太和中心」 6「上環信德中心」

藍天體育會 Blue Sky Sports Club E 藍天體育會 Blue Sky Sports Club
西貢沙下沙路 Sha Ha Road, Sha Ha, Sai Kung, NT
Hong Kong

💪 藍天體育會致力提供不同的獨特水上活動體驗,並在過去的二十多年間在不同的體育項目中服務超過百萬名客戶。

Kungfuronin F Kungfuronin
Hong Kong

Wing Chun. Tai chi. Xing yi quan. Liang yi quan. Practical internal martial arts in Hong Kong. Tr

gearzhop - Snowboard - City Bike - Streetwear G gearzhop - Snowboard - City Bike - Streetwear
Hong Kong

Snowboard, Ski, Skateboard, Outdoor, Lifestyle Street Fashion

CelinaStudio H CelinaStudio
Hong Kong


Bun's2020 I Bun's2020
Hong Kong

Indoor Roller Skating Training Centre in HK 📍7/F, Kodak Hse Quarry Bay 📍5/F, D2 Place One,LaiChiKok

Move Association Limited 喜動體育會有限公司 J Move Association Limited 喜動體育會有限公司
Hong Kong


Aurora Bike 藍天單車 K Aurora Bike 藍天單車
Hong Kong

Established in 2011, Aurora Bike is a specialized shop selling high quality and trendy bicycles and accessories of genuine brands at competitive prices.

Football Is Mind L Football Is Mind
Hong Kong

Dota/Football Tips

Hong Kong China Softball Association 中國香港壘球總會 M Hong Kong China Softball Association 中國香港壘球總會
Hong Kong China Softball Association, Tin Kwong Road
Hong Kong

The governing body of softball sports in Hong Kong, aims at developing and promoting softball. Membe

Me Thai N Me Thai
130 干諾道中
Hong Kong

Methai 自在·泰 是一個讓您沉浸於放鬆與和諧的空間,專注提供正宗的泰式按摩體驗。我們的專業按摩師運用傳統技術,幫助您舒緩緊繃的肌肉,改善血液循環,讓身心重獲新生。店內環境優雅、寧靜,融合泰國文化的設計,讓每位顧客感受到獨特的熱帶氛圍。在這裡,您可以暫時忘卻生活壓力,享受一段屬於自己的悠閒時光,重拾內心的平靜與活力。

執波仔 Football Caddy O 執波仔 Football Caddy
Hong Kong

袋鼠皮波砵專門店 (專賣mizuno asics及其他品牌袋鼠皮砵,幫大家揀一對岩自

Health Concept - The Organic & Eco-living Store P Health Concept - The Organic & Eco-living Store
20/F, 99 Wellington Street
Hong Kong

Health Concept 健康概念 is dedicated to providing you with natural solutions and offering you fu

鴻運單車 - H.W CYCLE Q 鴻運單車 - H.W CYCLE
Hong Kong, 852


香港理工大學樂齡與家庭研究中心 R 香港理工大學樂齡與家庭研究中心
Hong Kong


Flow Academy S Flow Academy
Main Dam, Plover Cove, Ting Kok, Tai Mei Tuk
Hong Kong, 852

源衡學院 Flow Academy ▫️ 全新水上及戶外活動中心 ▫️ 全方位證書課程及體驗服務 ▫️ 全天候團體及學校包班接待 重新定義:文化|體育|旅遊 重新探索:大埔/吐露港/船灣/大美督/印洲塘 重新感受:親水知源·衡久致遠 🌊 Feeling Life On Water 🌊

Hong Kong BMX Park T Hong Kong BMX Park
91 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Fong
Hong Kong, 852


Barley Hongkong U Barley Hongkong
Hong Kong

" HELPING people to live for a better LIVES " SANTE BARLEY INT'L WhatsApp /call +852 61354043

The Barn V The Barn
15 Cheung Shun Street Lai Chi Kok
Hong Kong, 000

Warrior Hong Kong W Warrior Hong Kong
19/F, 8 Russel Street, Causeway Bay
Hong Kong

Warrior Hong Kong is the city's favourite Muay Thai and Boxing gym. With 4,000 sq ft of training space, we provide authentic Muay Thai and Boxing training by champion trainers from Thailand and the most decorated and known trainers in the industry.

Workplace By HSHD X Workplace By HSHD
Hip Shing Hong Centre, 55 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong

#WorkplaceByHSHD👩🏻‍💻協成行物業租賃資訊平台 由工商廈、零售商舖、住宅以至服務式公寓,協成行物業遍佈港九,提供多元化的租務組合,滿足你的不同需要,是你的租務好夥伴✨

The Companions 匡仁心理輔導 Y The Companions 匡仁心理輔導
Room 1004, 10th Floor, Kai Wong Commercial Building, 222 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan
Hong Kong

我們提供心理健康有關服務,包括:企業/生涯教練 (COACHING)、心理輔導 (COU

Tatha's corner Z Tatha's corner
Hong Kong

I am accepting myself unconditionally,no matter what

Arlyn Aquino vlog 1 Arlyn Aquino vlog
9 Boyce Road
Hong Kong

Just watch my personal blog channel Arlyn Aquino Vlog.Travel,Cooking and Fitness vlog

HK OFW tindahan 2 HK OFW tindahan
Hong Kong

💯Very Approachable Legit Seller here in HongKong. 👍Provide Good Quality Products & Great Service.

Asia Darts Association 3 Asia Darts Association
Hong Kong

Asia Darts Association

Day Army - Next Gen Wargaming 4 Day Army - Next Gen Wargaming
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong, 000000

We provide corporate training and agency service for entry level mission-based wargames. Honouring airsoft's spirit of infinity, we welcome cooperations.

Fu Bo Bicycle 富寶單車 5 Fu Bo Bicycle 富寶單車
Hong Kong, 852

高級専業 山地車 公路車等等 維修 改裝 清洗 訂貨 及 批發 旅遊車團 23447188

Hong Kong

its better to give than to receive:

護協有So 7 護協有So
Hong Kong

香港護士協會 1/F親子天地: 2314 6925 3/F福利部、電器部:2314 6910, 2314 6924 5/F健康天地:2314 6998 8/F Nurse's Beauty & Wellness Lab: 2314 6948

海藝體育會 Hoi Ngai Sports Association 8 海藝體育會 Hoi Ngai Sports Association
Hong Kong

本會成立於二零零一年,現時分別是康樂及文化事務署屬下之社區體育會計劃成員、中國香港游泳總會、香港中華業餘游泳聯會、中國香港拯溺總會及中國香港三項鐵人總會屬會。 HNSA since 2001, is a member of the Community Sports Club Project (by LCSD), a affiliated association with HKGSA, HKCASA, HKLSS and HKTRIA.

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