Pilates Studios in Hong Kong - Page 1

Find Pilates Studios in Hong Kong. Listings include Iso Fit, SAGE Fly Yoga and Pilates, YOO Pilates & Barre, Gecko Fitness, Anhao Wellness and Pilates Hong Kong - RH+Studio. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

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Iso Fit A Iso Fit
802-805, 8/F Yu Yuet Lai Building, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central
Hong Kong

Iso Fit training focuses on the Pilates and GYROTONIC® exercise methods. In order to enhance traini

SAGE Fly Yoga and Pilates B SAGE Fly Yoga and Pilates
Man Wing Building, 503 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kln
Hong Kong

小班教學瑜伽,空中瑜伽及普拉提 地理位置優越,位於油麻地地鐵步行一分

YOO Pilates & Barre C YOO Pilates & Barre
Lockhart Centre, 301-307 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
Hong Kong

YOO = You 亞洲首間引入高強度Barre 導師培訓學院 多項國際認可導師課程 ANIT 動柔正姿 (融合Pilates、Barre、伸展、體適能等元素) 為久坐都市人 正姿.舒痛.修身

Gecko Fitness D Gecko Fitness
Hong Kong

🔸歐洲高科技EMS運動訓練 🔸20分鐘EMS訓練=3小時運動效果 🔸一對一教練服務 🔸運動治療/物理治療服務 🔸物理普拉提治療 🔸筋膜刀/手法/射頻痛症治療 🔸產前產後調理 🔸極速修身/提升肌肉線條 🔸體態調整 ❤️公司醫療/個人意外保險索償 #保險 #EMS #Pilates #痛症 #物理治療 #健美比賽冠軍級教練

Anhao Wellness E Anhao Wellness
5 Ladder Street Sheung Wan Mid Levels Hong-Kong Island
Hong Kong, 0000

Anhao Wellness studios in Hong Kong. Mat & Reformers Pilates, Barre and Personal Training Location •G/F Anhao Mid Level Sunny Sky Center, 5 Ladder St •19/F & 6/F Art Piece, 3 Matheson St, Causeway Bay •2/F Art Piece, 53 Carnarvon Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

Pilates Hong Kong - RH+Studio F Pilates Hong Kong - RH+Studio
Arbuthnot Road Central
Hong Kong

Passionate about Pilates, health & fitness! I love helping others feel good in body & mind! Join me!

In-Motion G In-Motion
Unit 601, Tower 1, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

Pilates, Gyrotonic and Rehabilitation studio in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon since 2010!

Unit 6, 16/F, Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong, 000000

GYROTONIC®- Pilates - Physiotherapy

Elevate Pilates I Elevate Pilates
3/F, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1-13 Hollywood Road
Hong Kong

Where body & mind find balance, get fit and healthy now with private Pilates and group classes here. lnk.bio/ElevatePilates_hk

澳洲體適能專業教練學院 J 澳洲體適能專業教練學院
Hong Kong

專業普拉提運動及運動矯治教練培訓機構,澳洲普拉提教練學分培訓及香港唯一提供四間臨床普拉提工作室,兼備與物理治療師共用的REDCORD 運動修復系統,畢業後學員可到工作室任教及獲取工作推薦信。

Miss Polly Fitness K Miss Polly Fitness
Studio:, 葵涌葵涌碼頭路77-81號, Magnet Place Tower 1, 1205A室
Hong Kong

普拉提及體適能運動教練 飲食營養顧問 DM /📲 92706386 Polly Studio:1205A,Magnet Place Tower 1,KwaiFung

Classical Pilates HK L Classical Pilates HK
Sheung Wan
Hong Kong

A TRULY Classical Pilates Studio in the heart of Hong Kong, run by Romana's Pilates certified teache

KOK 覺舍 M KOK 覺舍
Room 805A, 8/F, President Commercial Centre, 608 Nathan Road, Mongkok
Hong Kong

Kickstart Optimum Kinaesthetic K.O.K. 覺舍 開展您的最佳運動知覺之旅 讓普拉提、瑜伽和心身靈體驗煥醒我們心身中對自我的覺醒

Embody Studio Discovery Bay N Embody Studio Discovery Bay
Plaza Lane, Room 225 & 211, Discovery Bay
Hong Kong, HK1

Embody is a community driven studio focusing on wellness in all forms. We offer tailor-made, private

LUFT Fitness & Pilates 氣の運動坊 O LUFT Fitness & Pilates 氣の運動坊
Room 1006, 10/F. , Technology Plaza, 651 King's Road, North Point
Hong Kong

LUFT Fitness & Pilates is the Pilates and Wellness Studio.

SELF Fitness Studio & Garuda HK P SELF Fitness Studio & Garuda HK
16F A&F, Ho Lee Commercial Building, 38-44 D'Aguilar Street
Hong Kong

Hybrid Pilates & Yoga. Asis'a first Garuda studio in the heart of Central Sports performance / impr

Pilates 5+ Q Pilates 5+
1/F, Park Hovan Commercial Building, 18 Hillwood Road
Hong Kong

Pilates studio

Latte Pilates R Latte Pilates
650 Cheung Sha Wan Street
Hong Kong

🤎普拉提中心 📍荔枝角Lai Chi Kok📍炮台山 Fortress Hill

Kandy Wong S Kandy Wong
Hong Kong

普拉提運動Pilates導師 Hi大家好,我叫Kandy Wong,教授普拉提及運動舞蹈已20年。期間考獲不同的證書,如拉丁舞及標準舞、瑜伽伸展拉筋、健身舞蹈、長者適體能等。去年開始,踏入中高齡的我,明白到肌肉流失的速度,遠快過我們維持肌肉的生長,所以我現在教授銀花族們,如何強化肌肉、增強心肺功能、及肌肉得到伸展等運動。 到了50歲以上的你,是否覺得腿部越來越纖瘦、肚腩肥胖、腰酸背痛、頸緊膊痛、身高好像矮了等情況,這就是我們身體開始滑下了。大家一齊動起來吧! 除了運動,都要食得健康、保持心境開朗啊!

SuSu Pilates Studio T SuSu Pilates Studio
鴻圖道59號 鵬光大廈
Hong Kong


ATFP CORE Pilates 運動矯治及普拉提研究工作室 U ATFP CORE Pilates 運動矯治及普拉提研究工作室
Hong Kong


Lume Pilates V Lume Pilates
1201, Orient International Tower, 1018 Tai Nan West Street
Hong Kong

Pilates Studio located in Lai Chi Kok

澳洲運動矯治及普拉提研究工作室 W 澳洲運動矯治及普拉提研究工作室
2/f Kai Kwong Hse . 13 Wyndham Street
Hong Kong

ATFP 普拉提專業工作室所有教練持有澳洲認可普拉提教練或英國新特蘭大學香港分校UoSHK聯簽專業教師證書。人體功學及運動醫學背景提供個人處方運動,姿勢改正痛症,挪威物理治療紅繩復健修補功能系統設備

Pilates SENS X Pilates SENS
Unit N3, 22/F, W LUXE, 5 ON YIU Street, SHEK MUN, SHATIN, N. T
Hong Kong

Pilates for Health & Wellbeing Personalised & in-depth instruction to correct form, enhance stability and increase strength & flexibility. Equipment Pilates ( Private/Semi-private/Private group class )

Australian Therapeutic Pilates and Research Studio Y Australian Therapeutic Pilates and Research Studio
13 Wyndham Street
Hong Kong

Therapeutic Pilates Prescription is based on Sports Medicine with Pilates on Human Balance principle

Flex Studio HK Z Flex Studio HK
Man Cheung Building
Hong Kong, HK

Flex Studio Hong Kong 1 Flex Studio Hong Kong
3/F Man Cheung Building 15-17 Wyndham Street
Hong Kong

Options Pilates Studio Hong Kong 2 Options Pilates Studio Hong Kong
12 Floor, 16 Wyndham Street, Central
Hong Kong, 00000

Options Studio is a boutique provider of Pilates group classes, personal training and Certification courses located in the heart of Central, HK.

Mindful Pilates 3 Mindful Pilates
7B Cheong Tai Commercial Building, 64-66 Wing Lok Street, Sheung
Hong Kong

A Pilates studio in the heart of Central, Hong Kong! We are dedicated to spreading the Body Control

自治抗腰背痛 - Pilates 運動理療抗腰頸痛 4 自治抗腰背痛 - Pilates 運動理療抗腰頸痛
香港干諾道西 188 號,香港商業中心1413室。
Hong Kong, 852

Pilates運動理療改善腰頸痛、膝關節痛、五十肩痛、S 形脊椎、坐骨神經痛人?

Azadee Movement Studio 5 Azadee Movement Studio
Studio 06, 6/F, 9 Walnut Street, Tai Kok Tsui
Hong Kong

We are a movement studio providing yoga, pilates and integrated movement class. We aim at enhancing

身心健康教室hk Holistic Health Studio瑜珈舞蹈氣功打坐輔導興趣小組工作坊小型派對場地出租 6 身心健康教室hk Holistic Health Studio瑜珈舞蹈氣功打坐輔導興趣小組工作坊小型派對場地出租
Hong Kong, 000

租場服務 實用400呎 適合8人空中瑜珈,15人Mat Yoga, 舞蹈,氣功,太極,輔導,排戲,興趣小組,小型聚會和Workshop 5分鐘到銅鑼灣地鐵站,全新裝修,環境舒適 時租非繁忙時間$100/hr起,繁忙時間$200/hr起

BASI Pilates Academy Hong Kong 7 BASI Pilates Academy Hong Kong
1065, King's Road
Hong Kong, ---

BASI Pilates has been a top-tier institution for global Pilates education for over 30 years. BPA HK is a part of a network that extends to over 30 countries and encompasses thousands of graduates, instructors, and industry leaders.

UUmove 8 UUmove
The Arcade @ Cyberport
Hong Kong

uumove is a yoga & pilates studio with various yoga classes and pilates reformer at Cyberport HK.

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