Gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong - Page 5

Find gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong. Listings include SPOTY Design, Fearless Rica,, 家餸, Gws Custom and Race Timing Solutions. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

 Amateur Sports Leagues [12]  Amateur Sports Teams [147]  Archery [4]  Badminton Courts [5]  Baseball Fields [1]  Baseball Stadiums [2]  Basketball Courts [5]  Basketball Stadiums [2]  Batting Cages [7]  Bike Shops [94]  Bike Rentals [5]  Bowling alleys [2]  Boxing Studios [34]  Canoe & Kayak Rentals [10]  Coaches [187]  Cycling Studios [5]  Dance Schools [132]  Dance Studios [182]  Driving ranges [1]  Equestrian Centers [4]  Esports Leagues [6]  Esports Teams [19]  Fencing Clubs [18]  Fitness & Workouts [4]  Fitness Boot Camps [19]  Fitness Venues [3]  Flyboarding Centers [1]  Football Stadiums [14]  Go-karting [2]  Golf courses [12]  Golf Instructors [4]  Gun Ranges [7]  Gyms [787]  Gymnastics Centers [8]  Hang Gliding Centers [1]  Hockey Arenas [1]  Horseback Riding Centers [1]  Ice skating [4]  Kiteboarding Centers [4]  Martial Arts Schools [165]  Outdoor & Sporting Goods Companies [371]  Paintball [1]  Personal Trainers [129]  Pilates Studios [40]  Pool & Billiards [17]  Professional Sports Leagues [4]  Professional Sports Teams [16]  Rafting/Kayaking Centers [4]  Recreation Centers [28]  Rock climbing [33]  Rodeos [1]  Roller Skating Rinks [3]  School Sports Leagues [4]  School Sports Teams [19]  Scuba Diving [43]  Scuba Instructors [34]  Shooting/Hunting Ranges [1]  Skateboard Parks [4]  Ski & Snowboarding Schools [9]  Ski resorts [1]  Sky Diving [1]  Soccer Stadiums [3]  Sport & Recreation [769]  Sporting Goods Stores [132]  Sports [452]  Sports & Fitness Instruction [99]  Sports & Recreation Venues [39]  Sports Clubs [180]  Sports Events [125]  Sports Leagues [89]  Sports Promoters [8]  Sports Teams [233]  Sportswear Stores [130]  Sports Venues & Stadiums [79]  Swimming Instructors [41]  Swimwear Stores [18]  Tai Chi Studios [4]  Tennis [7]  Tennis Stadiums [1]  Track Stadiums [2]  Volleyball Courts [4]  Yoga & Pilates [332]
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SPOTY Design A SPOTY Design
Hong Kong

#SPOTY #SPOTY Design 一個屬於單車仔的香港衣著品牌

Fearless Rica B Fearless Rica
Hong Kong

hk hiker,adventurer,back packer,eco warrior,comedian C
Room 1806B, Propsperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Hong Kong

Pilates Studio in Kwun Tong / First Korea Pilates studio (Oversea branch) / Small group / Classic Pilates 觀塘區普拉提(Pilates)工作室 / 首間教授韓式普拉提課程 / 經典普拉提 / 小班教學 / 貼身指導

家餸 D 家餸
Hong Kong, 852

餐餐諗食咩餸? 點樣煮要買咩材料? 街市收檔未呢? 突然多雙筷唔夠餸? 點算?

Gws Custom E Gws Custom
Hong Kong, 00852

Custom airsoft service

Race Timing Solutions F Race Timing Solutions
Flat 7E 8/F, Block B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong

Race Timing Solutions Limited is a provider of timing and registration services to mass participation sporting events

Initial-P G Initial-P
No. 501-3, The Leader Commercial Building, 54/56 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

The Prefect Place for Professional Percussionists!

BOBO A System H BOBO A System
鰂魚涌康怡廣場北座2樓N2 FA 號舖
Hong Kong

「BOBO A SYSTEM」由九零年成立至今,已是東區最有名氣的電玩遊戲機鋪!最近更成立網站,為各位提供資訊及購物樂趣!請各位繼續支持^^

香港潮輪電動單輪平衡車俱樂部 Hkwheels I 香港潮輪電動單輪平衡車俱樂部 Hkwheels
Hong Kong

潮輪 電動獨輪 電單輪 平衡車 wheelbey Kingsong Inmotion Begode Extreme bull

生酮教練Alex Chong J 生酮教練Alex Chong
Hong Kong


GiftU Eshop K GiftU Eshop
香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道71號 瀝洋10樓全層
Hong Kong, 000

GiftU eShop是美裕宣傳製作有限公司旗下品牌,以"Give You More"為理念,致力提供創意設計產品,務求為顧客提供最新最潮的生活產品,為顧客優化生活品質。

Hong Kong

UA NBA ORDER(成立於2015),舊fb page(超過2萬追蹤)被fb無故移除,請多多分享返俾朋友知🙌🏻

Gecko Fitness M Gecko Fitness
Hong Kong

🔸歐洲高科技EMS運動訓練 🔸20分鐘EMS訓練=3小時運動效果 🔸一對一教練服務 🔸運動治療/物理治療服務 🔸物理普拉提治療 🔸筋膜刀/手法/射頻痛症治療 🔸產前產後調理 🔸極速修身/提升肌肉線條 🔸體態調整 ❤️公司醫療/個人意外保險索償 #保險 #EMS #Pilates #痛症 #物理治療 #健美比賽冠軍級教練

Lighthouse Technologies Limited N Lighthouse Technologies Limited
Unit 608, 6/F, Photonics Centre, 2 Science Park East Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, New Territories
Hong Kong

A global leader in LED screen technology.

KK proservice O KK proservice
新界, 上水, 龍琛路33號, 龍豐花園, 商場2樓5A舖 (不定時休息)
Hong Kong

***只接受現金/PayMe/支付寶/轉數快 付款***

箭魂_屯門室內射箭場 P 箭魂_屯門室內射箭場
Hong Kong

我們的射箭課程由多名香港射箭總會註冊教練執教, 教學經驗豐富, 執教私營機構, 學校團體及員工培訓。我們會提供專業教授、歡迎試堂 、租場練習、器材零售、預訂服務,而且交通方便(鄰近西鐵站)

Chow's Q Chow's
Hong Kong

本店專營 💕結婚用品 -利是封、敬茶用品、結婚裝飾 💕得體過大禮禮籃 -椰子、海味、水果禮籃

戰神越野 Mars Trailrunning R 戰神越野 Mars Trailrunning
Hong Kong

📍訓練從不間斷🔥 📍馬拉松🏃越野跑🏃🏼‍♂️📍歡迎熱愛跑步的大家一起訓練 🏃🏃‍♀️

西甲足球學校 LaLiga Football Schools - Hong Kong S 西甲足球學校 LaLiga Football Schools - Hong Kong
地址:香港九龍承豐道33號啟德郵輪碼頭 2樓202舖, Address: Shop 202, 2nd Floor, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, 33 Shing Fung Road, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Aim to elevate the play style of all age groups and to provide the best football experience for all

Lo Wu Saddle Club T Lo Wu Saddle Club
Ho Sheung Heung
Hong Kong

The above hours are for lesson times only. The office will be open daily from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm.

湖人戰報 Lakeshow Recap U 湖人戰報 Lakeshow Recap
Hong Kong

來自香港的球迷 每場比賽過後會第一時間更新

山問露營戶外用品租售 Decorum Tentals V 山問露營戶外用品租售 Decorum Tentals
Hong Kong

户外露營用品租借 | 洗營服務 | 營帳搭建、露營活動及訓練籌劃 山問.山的學問 3小時內確認訂單 | 詳細營具教學 | 齊全實用氣氛營具自由組合 | 支援團體營具要求 先試後買 實測適合自己的露營用品

G/F 43 Stanley Main Street Stanley
Hong Kong, 852

Specialize in SURF, SNOW, SKATE, BIKE Equipment and lifestyles apparel

Webmartial X Webmartial
Room 401, 4/F. , Wanchai Central Building, 89 Lockhart Road
Hong Kong, 999999

Webmartial Shop - Martial arts products and equipment, directly from China. Worldwide shipping.

Hong Kong Archery Workshop 香港射箭坊 Y Hong Kong Archery Workshop 香港射箭坊
Unit 10-12, 1/F, Fu Tao Building 98 Argyle Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon
Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Archery Workshop is founded in 2003. Located on Peace Avenue in Mong Kok, it includes an equipment store, a workshop for equipment maintenance and customization, and a practice range.

Island Sports HK Z Island Sports HK
135 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun
Hong Kong

Our programmes are for those who would like to develop their sports ability in an encouraging environment. Join us in learning sports the Island Sports way, where fitness and soft skills meet to form a team that works together!

Project_ climb & boulder hk 1 Project_ climb & boulder hk
Room 11, 2/F, Metro Centre (I), Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong, 000000

Where passion ascends

Maxi_Fitness n Pole 2 Maxi_Fitness n Pole
25c , The Globe, 79 Wing Hong Street, Lai Chi Kok MTR Stationer Exit B1
Hong Kong

Pleaser USA official Reseller � Wholesale link in

Personal Trainer 私人健身教練 Jeffery Lam 3 Personal Trainer 私人健身教練 Jeffery Lam
Hong Kong

J Fit Coach Team 由Jeffery Lam 成立,嚴選每一位教練均具備專業資格,增肌減脂經驗豐富,對教學及健身充滿熱誠值得信賴。

香港合氣道本心会 Hong Kong Aikido Honshinkai 4 香港合氣道本心会 Hong Kong Aikido Honshinkai
Unit 5, 10/F. , Century Centre, 44-46 Hung To Road
Hong Kong

本會是直系日本「合氣會」世界合氣道總部「本部道場」之註冊道場。 We are a registered dojo by the Aikikai, Aikido World Headquarters i

Knife Hong kong 5 Knife Hong kong
56 Dundas Street
Hong Kong

Knife Hong Kong 為刀友介紹精選產品, 各種刀具, 生活精品工具, 背景資訊 務求?

皇仁錶飾 6 皇仁錶飾
Hong Kong

名錶買賣交換 旺角地鋪交易 快富街37B地鋪 上海街488號7A鋪 歡迎查詢:+852 61361989 網站:

狂抽派 Madness Combat 7 狂抽派 Madness Combat
Hong Kong


英超睇波自由行 Premier League Match Package 8 英超睇波自由行 Premier League Match Package
Hong Kong

親身直擊英超足球聯賽 查詢 3118 1688

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