Find gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong. Listings include Bike Depot, 桂儀 Abbierain, Sportscene Ltd., Hong Kong Rangers Supporters Club, Joint-U Mass Dance 大學聯校巡迴舞蹈匯演 and 香港特殊奧運會 Special Olympics Hong Kong. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.
「信任別人的善良是自己善良的明證。」 Love Art, Debate, Travel, Fashion, Diving, Cats<3
SPORTSCENE LIMITED is a professional sports coaching and programming company for children of all ages
Follow, Follow the Hong Kong Rangers Supporters Club and you will be kept up to date with everything 'Gers related in His Britannic Majesty's former colony. We Are The People
Annual HK Universities Open Performance Since 1995 Joint-U Mass Dance 大學聯校巡迴舞蹈匯演 ™ https://JUMD-HK.BlogSpot.HK
觀塘卡牌遊戲專門店(專營PTCG及OPTCG) 設有BGS/PSA卡牌鑑定服務 許願星會繼續推動繁中寶可夢集換式卡牌遊戲,希望大家多多支持💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Robotic hand for stroke rehabilitation
The purpose of this group is to get as many trail runners possible who are interested to be together for trail running and doing community works.
Regular Dance Workshop/ Heels Dance Workshop/ Private Dance Training/ Studio Rental/ Choreography Official Youtube Channel: Freelance Dancers/Models Recruitment: Please send your CV to [email protected]
Hello!🤗我叫Tehilla🌈私人教練、普拉提、伸展教練🌈 運動大班試堂$80『無月費』『無預繳』 『逐堂報名』‼️另有私人針對性訓練班,單堂收費‼️97855548聯絡我🎀
冬蜜,龍眼花蜜,荔枝花蜜,槐花蜜,百花蜜 特別推介<蜂巢蜜> <蜂王漿>鴨腳木蜜、喬麥花蜜
SCOTT是戶外運動的領導品牌之一,於2006年推出全系列功能跑鞋,為運動員提供高質素產品,助他們發揮潛能。 SCOTT DNA:革新、技術、設計 SCOTT SPIRIT:“NO SHORTCUTS”
JUMP combines Muay Thai, boxing, and fitness training to create fun, effective workouts for fitness enthusiasts, beginners, and even competitive fighters!
Missions To broaden youth's horizons and nurture them with an all-rounded development through aviation sports activities and encourage them.
The first HK company provides harp therapy services, education, wellness consultation and seminar.
HKCAll is a small non-profit organisation that works to make Hong Kong a more bicycle-friendly city. 香港單車同盟是一個細小的非牟利組織,旨在推動香港成為對單車更加友善的城市。
8Boxing 泰拳用品中心 ▫️開業於2010年 ▫️拳擊用品授權代理商 ▫️💯正貨保證 門市地址: 1️⃣銅鑼灣分店 銅鑼灣糖街3號 銅鑼灣商業大廈17樓1702室 (地鐵E出口) 2️⃣旺角分店 旺角亞皆老街39-41號金山商業大廈15樓 (旺角C2出口) 官網購買:
#INVISIBLEBAG | Responsible Packaging Connecting A Sustainable Community.
Berlitz is a global leadership training and education company with more than 550 locations in over 7
Asian Ballet Competition (ABC) is another international ballet competition under the Asian Grand Prix
Join us in fun, engaging and interactive English speaking events seven days a week. Check out our mo
胡氏跆拳道葉sir 恆安/馬鞍山跆拳道🥋 🇭🇰 Hong Kong Taekwondo Team 🇭🇰 現役香港少年隊教練 歡迎任何機構,學校合作🏫 專業跆拳道,培養運動員,讓小朋友挑戰自己,從中建立自信,學習堅持、學習謙虛。 地址:恆安商場320號
除 市中心華都 本店,正品現增設2個交收地點~~ 旺角皆旺商場 及屯門西鐵站F出口 (***請預先約定交收時間) 希望大家多多支持~謝^^*