Find gyms & sports facilities in Hong Kong. Listings include HOME Centre, Fitness Formula, Maxflightstick, Wingbabies, 張慧慈整合思維培訓中心 CWT Integral Mind Training Centre and Mr.Vélo. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.
HOME Centre is a support service centre for ethnic minorities which is sponsored by the Home Affairs Department.
Fitness Formula 旨在提供一個輕鬆的運動環境,絕不強迫消費,亦毋須繳付入會
good quality custom flight training setups for commercial flight schools to private sale
高品質、實用性強和娛樂性兼備的最佳保證 • 高質素個人及企業培訓服務 ?
Distributor of leading sports apparel, equipment and nutrition across Asia...
Snowboard Fanatics ( provides: - snowboard lessons - snowboard tour - snow
Surewin fitness,中心設有不同健身器材、沙包及綜合格鬥擂台 亦擁有多位經驗多年的健身教練 不論你是想健身或是打泰拳也合適你。
Ultra Endurance Athlete / Coach <Run Across the World> Project Author《沒有跑不到的距離》
Welcome to the Official page of the Squash Association of Hong Kong, China.
We are the leading football events marketing and management consultancy in Asia.
snoopy, you're the french to my toast ... you're the eggs to my benedict ... you're the saint to my bernard ... my love for snoopy never dies!!!
NBA評述 奧運/殘奧主持 三語司儀 RYT200瑜伽老師/籃球教練/體能教練 前東亞超級聯賽顧問 前汕頭大學籃球隊總監 前凱天公關顧問公司總監
Gold Club 從 2003 年成立,目的是推廣和發展青少年冰球,如果有人放棄15歲以下之球員發展,本會唯有肩負重任,並會加強15歲以下之球員訓練,參加更多比賽,現在重中之重是增大新手加入,未來與新手息息相關!
Prestige Functional Restoration & Sports Therapy Centre. We provide Pain care & Health care related service together with field professional education.
JUMP START YOUR RIDE. Please make a booking before you come! 來訪前請先預約!
全港最大連鎖飛鏢道場. 飛鏢產品零售及批發. 電話:6800 0577(夜間) 5987 7277(日間)
CFA Society Hong Kong is a non-profit organization founded in 1992, sharing the mission of CFA Institute in raising the professional and ethical standards of financial analysts and investment practitioners.
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KING STAR PLUS FITNESS LTD. 地點: 屯門建建發里4號「Lane Up」商業中心
Enquire: 9847 5540 (Whatsapp) 運動營商‧共享空間 Co-Working Space - 以舞蹈、瑜伽和健體業務為主的共享空間 - 提供合辦課堂、場地租用及聯營宣傳服務 - 為企業機構提供『休閒及培訓兼備』團隊活動
Backchat is RTHK Radio 3's current affairs programme with expert panels and listener participation. It airs every weekday from 9.05am-10am. Have your say by calling us on 2338 8266 or email [email protected]
DF提供 物理治療 ·痛症治療 ·復康運動 及多類形Group Training Thai Boxing、Fat Burn、Aerial Yoga(空中瑜伽)、Wheel Yoga(瑜伽輪)、Yoga (瑜伽)、Funky Dance.....等等